
Responses from salectric

Miles Davis - Sketches Of Spain- Inside Story 1960
Thanks for sharing the inside story. Very interesting! I can still remember the first time I heard Sketches of Spain on the radio back in the 1960s. I was mesmerized then and still enjoy it today. Like most, I have several vinyl copies with the 6-... 
From Virtual Dynamics to ?
The Virtual Dynamics power cords can still hold their own. I have several in my system including the David, David II and a Power One. I recently borrowed some WyWires Juice II and Juice II-HC power cords since they had received some favorable pres... 
Great Stands from A&M
Photos of sample stands are available on the A&M website:!I am glad the A&M stands appear to work well with your Spendors. I use Sound Anchor steel stands with my Spendor SP-100 speakers and I ... 
How old are your speakers
My Spendor SP-100 speakers are 14 years old but they are my "new" speakers. The drivers and horns in my high-efficiency speakers date back to the 1960s and 1970s. 
Great Stands from A&M
Any photos? 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I went back to what I was using before I bought the Duelunds---Sonicap Gen 1 for the high-pass and Mundorf Supreme (regular Supreme, not silver or S/O or S/G/O) for the low-pass. Nothing is perfect but in the context of my system those caps are mo... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I have to take exception to the comment about Solens sounding good in a power supply. Solens always have a plastic, artificial sound no matter where they are used, at least to my ears. For what it's worth, I sold my big Duelund CAST copper caps th... 
Ocellia Silver Reference Interconnects
Charles, I didn't actually own all those cables. Most of them were ones I auditioned courtesy of The Cable Company. The Audio Note cable belongs to my son so I was able to use it for a few days when he was visiting. The only one I actually bought ... 
Ocellia Silver Reference Interconnects
Jet,I can strongly recommend the Ocellia Reference. I use a set between my phono preamp and linestage, and they are the best sounding cable I have tried in that spot. I haven't heard the Kondo but a few years ago I tried Audio Note AN-Vx as well a... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
JT2, maybe you will have more success than I did, but just so you know I have tried sll sorts of caps as bypass caps including Mundorf S/O, S/G/O, Sonicap Platinum, Dynamicap, Infinicap, CAST, V-Cap TFTF, silver micas, Russian Teflon, polystyrenes... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
"I think we are all exploring different ways to get the sound we want." Well said Jet. Which cap sounds best will vary depending on the particular application and the particular listener. In my case, I have settled on a mix of Copper V-Caps (CuTF)... 
Genalex Gold Lion KT-77 Compatibility Question
Your amp most likely has cathode-bias whereby the cathodes are connected to ground via a fairly large value resistor. The current flowing through that resistor causes a voltage drop which the grid "sees" as a negative voltage relative to the catho... 
Genalex Gold Lion KT-77 Compatibility Question
What amp is it? Is the bias adjustable?I have used the same quad of Genalex KT-77s in two push-pull amps for several years, and they have been very stable and reliable. Not one problem. I run them at 50ma per tube. If yours are red, it sounds like... 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
I just listened to the Paul Desmond/Ed Bickert LP recommended by Oregonpapa. Very nice! Thanks for the recommendation. If you like Ed Bickert, let me recommend another live recording where he is featured----The Bob Brookmeyer Small Band on the Gry... 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
Oregonpapa, Thanks for the Paul Desmond Artists House LP recommendation. That's one I didn't have so I bought it. Ebay is great for old jazz LPs!