
Responses from salectric

12" Tonearms for TD-124
I used a Schick with my TD-124 using both a Denon 103R and Miyajima mono cartridge.  It works ok but I encountered some noise issues with the Schick/Thorens combination, pretty much the same thing Art Dudley described in his review of the Schick. ... 
I Dislike new format
Recent Activity no longer includes updates and comments on Virtual Systems.  This is a major problem as far as I am concerned. 
New Forum Format Sucks
Agreed!  Who in their right mind thought this was an improvement? 
Questions on KT150 tubes
What sonic differences do you hear in the KT-150s compared to the KT-120s? I have been running KT-120s in my Emotive Audio amps for a couple years but no tubes last for ever. When replacement time rolls around, I am wondering what to expect if I g... 
Cleaning records. How often really?
Another Almost Never. I have both a Loricraft and a Nitty Gritty, and it's probably been a year since I last used either one. I do clean LPs that are really dirty but for normal records including most Ebay and used record store purchases, I just f... 
What vintage speaker might you use today
All of the speakers I now own qualify as vintage. From oldest to newest these are:1. Custom 2-way using 15" Jensen woofer and Altec compression driver in an Altec/Western Electric 32A horn. The cabinet is modern and so are the crossover parts, but... 
Need Tube Preamp Warmth
The Emotive Audio Sira is a seriously good preamp, and the one listed on Audiogon has the V-Cap upgrade which puts it above any of the Siras described in the reviews. 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
This is a progress report on the V-Twist wire. The V-Twist is a new DIY interconnect cable designed and distributed by Chris VenHaus of VH Audio. It is a twin lead cable where each conductor is a high purity 24 gauge solid copper wire with Teflon ... 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
Maxima, I haven't forgotten! I was away for a while so the V-Twist cables are still a way from being fully broken in. I now have a little over 250 hours on them but Chris VH says they need 400 to 500 hours before settling down. Apparently this is ... 
where to get schematic for Artemis Lab PH-1
You are certainly welcome. I hope you are successful in getting rid of the hum. 
where to get schematic for Artemis Lab PH-1
No Regrets, I sent you an email. Let me know if you have any questions. 
where to get schematic for Artemis Lab PH-1
I drew out a schematic back when I had one. I am traveling for a few days but could send it to you in a week after I return. Send me a pm if you still need it by then, and I will scan it. 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
Maxima95, the V-Twist only has 60 hours so it's too early to draw conclusions, but so far I like it. A lot! I will report back in another week or two. 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
In re-reading those older posts on Jeff's blog, I noticed that the RCA plugs recommended by Mr. Yazaki-san were actually Canare F-10 plugs. The Switchcraft plugs that came with Jeff's cables were recommended by Jonathan Halpern, not by Yazaki-san.... 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
Ps,You may be recalling a comment I made on Jeff Day's blog with tips on assembling the Belden cables. See my comment #7 at the link below. It's dated April 18, 2015. Hard to believe it's been that long.