
Responses from rotarius

Isolating CDP from weak wood floor
Before spending a lot of cash try mounting the cdp over a bicycle inner tube with just enough air to keep it suspended. Isolate the rack with soft rubber like gum rubber. Also try gum rubber or sorbothane under the cdp. You want to stay away from ... 
cd player upgrade
Depending on your tastes, you may want to keep the dac around. Also consider the onkyo 7555 in this price range, I think it is a better buy than the cambridge, more reliable and will make a great transport for your dac. 
What is equal to the Rega Apollo for less money?
Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I found the Apollo to be a bit lean in the bass. It did not sound any better or worse than several players in the same price range, just a bit different. I preferred the Marantz 8001 and the jolida with upgraded... 
Tightening loudspeakers screws...
His reasoning for using brass screws is pure bs. Then again, what do you expect from guys selling the acoustic system resonators? 
Tightening loudspeakers screws...
I believe the logic of leaving the screws loose is to convert vibrational energy to heat by having friction between the driver flange and baffle. It's a bit of a stretch... 
Eastern Electric Mini Max vs AE-3 DJH preamps
Mingles, with the djh you want an amp that has a fuller sound, stay away from Bryston and such. As you may know, the only weakness of the pre is that it is a bit lean in the deep bass area. 
What is the best SS used amp for $1k or less?
The best ss amp for you would be the Belles 150a hotrod based on your preference. Lots of good things being said about the vincent hybrid but the tubes are hard wired. That could be a PITA. 
CDP Isolation?
Dazzdax, there is more to it than just placing a cdp on an air cushion. When dealing with vibration there is something called a spring rate which has to change with the weight the isolator supports. One size does not fit all. Also, there should on... 
Will a new Preamp sovle my Problem?
In this case, it is highly likely the room is to blame. I am sure Sansui has plenty of padded furniture and all that but that does not mean it can support bass. A large room with vaulted ceilings and open to a kitchen, that tells me he is going to... 
DVD player recommendation under $1K
Chayro is right. The Sony is pretty good for redbook, comparable to any cdp under a grand. 
CDP Isolation?
Donaudio, if you really want isolation then you can't consider metal points/cones etc. They do not provide any isolation at all. So I would say an air suspension is what you want. 
Looking for sub $1000 SS amp
A used Belles 150 hotrod. It just sounds right! 
Will a new Preamp sovle my Problem?
If you can't do anything about the room, you are left with getting a preamp with tone controls like the NAD c162 which has solid bass btw. The Vincent preamps may be a good fit in your system and have tone controls. 
Minimax Preamp vs........the world?
Your amp is not a good match for tube preamps in general. The output impedance of the metis is a bit higher than 500 ohm, I think this combo will sound a bit thin with your speakers. 
MHZS 88E comparisons?
Sorry, I guess you already know about the link.