
Responses from rotarius

Digital Cable suggestions
I found these cables to be as good as some of the the more expensive ones out there. DH labs silver sonic and the ZU fireamine. 
Anyone try this Yanqin tube buffer?
How quiet is it? The SNR spec would indicate it adds a good deal of noise. 
Cambridge 740c or Rega Apollo with Linn and Sonus
Gbmcleod, yes but not all at once. Apollo was lean sounding to me. Like so many other players at this price point, these are nice players but none really stand out of the bunch. I then settled for a quad cdp-2 which I liked after trying the Marant... 
Cambridge 740c or Rega Apollo with Linn and Sonus
I doubt either player is much of an upgrade over the NAD. A slight difference maybe. I tried all these players, I learnt my lesson the hard way. 
Rogue Metis pre amp
Strange thing is I heard the metis at a dealer once and it was quiet through Triangle Antals. He had it plugeed into some fancy power conditioner though, I wonder if that might do the trick for you. 
pre-amp unacceptable noise level?
Which preamp did you get? 
Marantz 5001 vs. NAD 515BEE Vs. Cambridge 340?
Get a used Sony 999ES dvd player. Much better than the three you mentioned and around $200. 
Amp recommendation please
My Belles 150A hotrod is better than the Bryston 4BST it replaced in every way except power output. Try a Belles amp for a smooth and refined sound. 
Afraid of too much bass...
You have fine speakers with smooth highs. They are a bit finicky about placement in a room though. I would say try something other than creek amps first. 
Need advice choosing a complimentary CD Player
Gmf1, keep us posted. I also suggest you consider adding a tube preamp instead of the 1082. I think spending about a grand on a tube pre and the rest on the digital source will get you better results than just adding a $1500 cdp. 
Need advice choosing a complimentary CD Player
Under $1500, there will only be tiny differences in sound. I have tried many and that was ultimately my conclusion. The ones that were just ok but not really better than $600 players were Music hall (Underwood level 1), Marantz 8001, Rega Apollo, ... 
Rogue Metis pre amp
Hi Fruff1976, let us know what you think of the pre. I am interested in knowing if it is indeed a bit noisy as the reviews say or if Rogue has improved the signal to noise ratio since the reviews. 
What power cord with the Cambridge Audio 840C?
Just stick with what you have. It's a power chord used to deliver a few milliamps for goodness sake! 
"Old" vs. "new" digital equipment
I agree that the electronics or even cables can easily cause the grainy massed strings. I base my earlier opinion on the fact that I have heard the 3a sigs at the dealers place driven by top notch ARC tube or Rogue gear and state of the art digita... 
Seeking Warm Towers - under $1500.
I wouldn't call the Quad 21L or 22L "warm". I am surprised no one has mentioned the Revel F12, dual 8" woofers for some real bass! They sound great for the money. I have owned the Vandy 2ce sigs, they have decent bass and throw a good soundstage. ...