
Responses from rotarius

"Old" vs. "new" digital equipment
Bikecommuter, unfortunately the problem with massed strings lies with the speakers as well. While the vandy 3a sigs are great in so many ways there are speakers that handle strings quite a bit better. 
how good are the non os dacs?
Non OS Philips 1543 or 1545 based dacs really show their age. I find they sound a bit congested when playing symphonic music but they can sound smooth. Not very resolving but can sound nice sometimes matched with the right components. 
Focal Profile 918 or B&W 683
I would also recommend the focal. The drivers are really nice, particularly the new tweeter. Treble is very refined. You cannot go wrong with these at that price! 
Decco from Preachtree audio
Thanks for the info Challaday. 
Reliable Sources for 6SN7 Tubes
As Ait says, the re-issue TS now being sold are superb. It is identical in construction to the EH but is much improved. In fact, I like these as much as the syl 1952 bad boys. Smooth with great extension. I got my matched pair from BOI audio works... 
Decco from Preachtree audio
The website specs are pretty vague, they don't even say what tubes are used in the preamp section. Can someone confirm the tube type and if the dac can accept a 24/96 input via s/pdif? I am sure the usb input is limited to 16/44.1 input. 
Any experiences with a Diyeden Great March II?
Rkny, let us know how it sounds, I too have been curious about this dac. The one guy on head-fi who bought it said it sounded great but had a hum and the manual states that this dac needs a shielded PC and a conditioner! Power supply filtering mig... 
Wadia iTransporter
Lush, DVD format supports 24/96. My concern is if more companies offer high rez downloads in the future, you cannot take advantage of that with the wadia/ipod. You are better off purchasing a laptop or a mac for use as a server and a dac that acce... 
Wadia iTransporter
Ipod won't play 24/96 files so you will be behind the curve right away. 
power cable for esoteric
Yes, cables mentioned above are all good. 100 ft of Romex followed by 3 ft of exotica will enhance your listening pleasure. These products are truly unbelievable as one poster said! 
Isolation Devices for Digital
Jylee, ball bearings do NOT absorb vibration. I wish they did, it would make my life easier at work! Where did you get that from? What exactly do you mean by lateral vibrations? 
Isolation Devices for Digital
Likecoiledsteel, sorry, you cannot make a general statement like that. I have no doubt sometimes these cones affect the sources in your system, perhaps in a pleasant way but to call it an isolator, drain, whatever is not right. My question to you ... 
Isolation Devices for Digital
No Mdconnelly, a cone is not like a one way valve. It will transmit all the floor borne vibration that makes it's way up the rack to your component. There are places that will rent you a vibration tester. You can check for yourself what a cone can... 
Isolation Devices for Digital
Mdconnelly, there is no such thing as drain. Now, having cones might change the sound for you but they do nothing except transmit vibration. 
Isolation Devices for Digital
If you want vibration isolation, use material that can undergo displacement and absorb vibration or dissipate it. Elastomers, felt, etc. are the usual materials used by engineers. Ball bearings and hard materials do nothing but transmit all of the...