
Responses from rotarius

Need budget, used tube preamp to go with Bel Canto
Check the input impedance of your amp, it's pretty low I think. It won't be a good match for most tube preamps. 
Luxman L505u . . . why not?
Toronto416, I agree it is best to buy from approved sources but I would not use words like "selfish act". Do you know how much the mark-up is on high end stuff? One could consider that as daylight robbery as well. 
Is it best to isolate??
You can't isolate anything with titanium bearing or any other bearing for that matter! 
Good "warm" CD player for $500
A cd player will not be the cure for your problems. Since you already have a dac, insert a digital eq/processor in the chain. You can also get a modded Behringer DEQ in your price range which can replace the digital link III. This Ikons are bright... 
Changing Rubber Feet on MMF-5 to Cones??
You certainly cannot reduce vibration by going from rubber to cones! 
Servo Controlled Arm
Why do it at all? Because a conventional 8.5" or 9" tonearm can have a tracking error up to 3 degrees compared to the linear arm error of less than 0.5 degree. So the "gimmick" would be to lower harmonic distortion. As for the comment on servo dam... 
What the most musical power amp for under $1K?
A used Belles 150A is way better than any NAD or Rotel amp. It replaced a Bryston 4BST in my system. If you want warmth and musicality, go with a mosfet amp. 
NAD M3 V Vincent 236MKII any experiences??
Waynefia, for a while I was under the impression that Vincent was an outfit owned by the Chinese to do business in Europe but I may have been wrong. In any case, they just seem to be importing chinese gear and re-badging them. Their cd players and... 
Good preamp match for Bryston 4B ST
I had the 4BST mated to various tube preamps a while back but never cared for the sound. You may want to consider a Bryston preamp. I replaced it a Belles 150A and couldn't be happier, the Bryston was outclassed in every category except power output. 
NAD M3 V Vincent 236MKII any experiences??
Shengya was the OEM for Vincent, some Shengya units had "Vincent" on the transformer covers! I read somewhere that Vincent now has its own factory in China. The A10 was the same as the vincent 236 mk1 
Wyred4S or Belles for Usher Be718?
What preamp will you be using btw? Your amp selection should depend on it as well. For example, I know the Odyssey amps have a very low input impedance, not good for tube preamps. 
The Economy.. will hi end audio mfgs lower prices?
Jimaxp, yes, quite a few of us are aware of tricks like short selling to make money in a downturn but most of us are going to have our retirements wiped out even if we recover from the current mess by the devaluation of the's coming. 
Wyred4S or Belles for Usher Be718?
My Belles 150a hotrod is a great match for Usher 6381 if that helps you making a decision. 
The Economy.. will hi end audio mfgs lower prices?
In the near future there will be price increases for everything including audio gear. The Fed is printing money like there is no tomorrow, trillions. They have a nice term for it - Quantitative Easing. Heck, the Fed is even buying treasury debt! O... 
Emotiva MPS-2 amp and ongoing saga . . .
Your axioms and probably the room are to blame for the brightness. I am fairly certain you will have the same issue after break-in.