
Responses from rotarius

MHZS CD player
It's not just the cheap dac, the caps used in it are fake as is the transport which is not a sony as claimed. 
which bang for the buck DAC?
Dacmagic - good dynamics, soundstage and extension. Top end a little too hot for my taste.CI vda-2 - smoother, did everything ok. Transport was a Pioneer 59avi and there was not a whole lot of difference between the pioneer and the vda2 in direct ... 
cambridge azur 640c v2 or marantz dv7001
The Marantz is a much better sounding player for redbook. Balanced and clean sound, no opamps and has selectable upsampling. A great buy at this price point. 
Subwoofer hook-up question
Thanks Xti16. 
Does XLR-RCA converter work for digital?
Your best bet is to get a convertor box which fully converts from one format to another. Something like this from Hosa.. 
Does XLR-RCA converter work for digital?
You need a 110 to 75 Ohm transformer to do it right. Canare makes one, but it is xlr-BNC so you would still need a BNC to RCA adapter. 
Jolida JD100 Missing Bass
You probably picked the worst album to make any comparison. Radiohead cds I have heard are horribly compressed and thin/bright sounding. Your ears will bleed regardless of the cdp you end up with. Good luck. 
Jolida JD100 Missing Bass
You just can't reach this conclusion based on one comparison. What album are you talking about? There are thousands of digital remasters out there that just sound terrible, thin, bright, harsh, etc. Chances are you will have the same issue when yo... 
Thinking about moving to a tube pre - suggestions.
You cannot go wrong with the mapletree if you don't care about chassis build quality. It has that DIY look but Doc's preamps sound great. I always liked the NOS 12sn7 tubes better than the 6sn7 and you don't have to pay the ridiculous $$ that the ... 
$1k preamp for McCormack DNA-125 recommendations?
Your amp sensitivity is 1V for full power iirc. This may not be a good match for a lot of tube preamps that have high gain. I would say get a mapletree pre and have Doc P lower the gain or get the RLD. 
6SN7GTB Tung-Sol Tubes
I have used these in the mapletree. Better extension at both ends than a lot of NOS tubes. Perhaps not as smooth as the RCA 6sn7 but you get more bass and sparkle. 
NAD 541 + DAC upgrade question
I would recommend the Keces 131 sold here. Great build quality, well balanced, relaxed highs and quite listenable. Another one would be the new Cambridge Dacmagic. Dynamic and full bodied but a hotter top end, great bang for the buck. If you have ... 
NAD 541 + DAC upgrade question
You will be wasting $200 with that combo. Double that amount and I can recommend 2 DACs that would upgrade your sound. 
BNC or Toslink??
Depends on your gear. The newer chips are more immune to jitter so using toslink is not a bad thing anymore. A direct comparison of a cheap glass toslink and a zu coax showed differences which were subtle at best, toslink a bit smoother and the co... 
Which Digital processor/equalizer ?
The deq2496 placed between the transport and dac does not seem to degrade the sound in any way, introduce glare or grain or anything like that. Even if you don't use all the EQ sections, just reducing the gain and increasing the stereo width makes...