
Responses from rotarius

Vandy or Maggy?
Schubert, you will not be happy with Vandersteen. I owned a pair of 2Ce sigs and while they were excellent for jazz and acoustic music I could not bear to listen to classical through them. That 4" midrange driver could not handle massed strings an... 
Lateral move or real upgrade?
I have owned both. The Vdac/v-link combo is better than the Bifrost for USB in my opinion. 
First Stereo System Help
Get the Yamaha A-S500 integrated, it is terrific for the money and has a very decent phono input. Spend the rest on monitors like the Focal 807 now on sale at Musicdirect. 
Turntable suggestion -- budget.. or not?
The carts on the RP8 and RP3 were probably not the same. I honestly think you are focusing too much on the TT and not enough on the cartridge. The RP3 can sound bad with a cheapo cart or great with the right cart. 
Turntable suggestion -- budget.. or not?
Maybe I missed it but what cartridge are you using currently? I did have a Cambridge 650p and thought it sounded lean and bright with my carts as well. I suggest you start with a vintage Denon, Pioneer or Technics DD. I don't care for the build qu... 
classical newbie
HDtracks and eClassical have a bunch a well recorded works available for you to sample. You could download and burn to disc or buy the cd/sacd on Amazon. 
Nakamichi sr-4a, vs. Yamaha A-S500
I disagree with the above posts. Owned both but not at the same time. I would pick the Yammie no question. IMO, the Nak is quite good but nothing too special, the as500 sounds way better than it's price would suggest. Very clean and neutral sound.... 
Monitor Audio for classical music
Typical midrange cone drivers have a hard time with classical music. Electrostatic or planar speakers are the way to go. 
new cartridge for Music Hall MMF 5
Dl103 is not a good match for your light arm. DL110 can be used with the add-on weight. DL-110 is decent but not as good as the Nagaoka IMO. LPgear sells Nagaoka, the MP200 is fine for all types of music. Ortofons are forward/upfront sounding comp... 
new cartridge for Music Hall MMF 5
The cheap clearaudio unit is a glorified audio technica AT95E. I used to own a MMF5. I thought the Nagaoka Mp200 was a good match for that tonearm. Ortofn OM20 which is a bit cheaper than than the 2m blue would be a good match too. Also consider t... 
Cones under a suspended table?
You are wasting your money for sure. Where does this unwanted energy you want to transfer come from? 
Speaker Spikes - do the shake test
I will add my 2 cents as an engineer with experience in dealing with vibration from machinery. Elastomers are used to absorb/isolate/dissipate vibration and certainly help with components like CD players. Spikes made from metal or exotic hard mate... 
Speakers for Musical Fidelity M6i
Too bad you have a height restriction. Your amp would be a great match for a pair of martin logan ESLs, any model you can afford. 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
I really have no time to deal with personal attacks on audiogon. I have a gun show to attend today so that I can be ready when the U.N. does invade the South. Goodbye. 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
And Obummer voters are rocket surgeons?They sure are singing the blues now, and for good reason.Really? Where did you hear that? On Faux News? Typical liberal response Rotarius, anyone who doesn't agree with you can't be all that bright, nice.Libe...