
Responses from plato

what power amplifier are really punchy
I can't believe no one mentioned room acoustics as bass is hugely affected by room dimensions and speaker placement within the room... If the room has a suck out in the midbass then no amplifier, no matter how punchy, will fix it. 
audio from comcast and other providers
No, you don't need a DAC for 2-channel. You can simply run the left and right channel audio outputs to the stereo inputs of an amplifier. I don't think you'd even need a preamp because the cable boxes have a volume control.If you want to go multi-... 
Thinking of selling my Teres
Hi Mes,John Miles opening for Tull must have been a great concert. I wish I could've been there. You're welcome for the memory, and I believe you're right that Rebel is the name of the album. I have it in my collection.And thank you for reminding ... 
Thinking of selling my Teres
Glory,Wow, I must have really tweaked your button with that little one-liner. I guess I could say a lot of smart, cutting, and clever things here to get back at you, but what would be the point?I do admit I have a somewhat dominant personality, bu... 
Thinking of selling my Teres
Jphii,I looked at the pictures of your turntable and it's a work of art and the fact that it makes beautiful music is just the icing on the cake. Since you built it yourself there is an additional attachment. You should never part with that turnta... 
Soundlabs and magnepan mix on front stage?????
Lance,Your proposed system makes more sense if you are running the Maggie 3.6 center sideways.But your concern about amplification is valid. Yes, of course 200 watts will drive the Soundlabs but if their efficiency is in the mid 80's you might run... 
Soundlabs and magnepan mix on front stage?????
WoW, I have to admit your idea sounds pretty absurd. I don't think it would work well at all. But if there was a prize for expensive esoteric blunders I think you'd be in the running! Also, I'm selling some real estate you might want to look at. P... 
Magnepan MMG for fun and enjoyment.
I think it would work all right... The only real way to tell is to try it and see. I say "go for it." They might sound pretty good with the Manley amp in your smallish room. 
Recommendations please...
Vaulted ceilings can result in broad bass peaks depending on which wall the speakers are positioned on. I have such a problem with my own large room but have gotten extremely gratifying results by using a dbx equalizer to reduce that peak and even... 
Hybrid - Tube / SS amp capable of sub 1 Ohm loads?
Actually, there is an obvious solution. Rather than trying to swim against the current by forcing a conventional hybrid amp to operate into a load it was not designed to face, why not use an amp that wouldn't mind working into a 1 ohm load and sim... 
Decoding the new H/D formats
I guess it would need to be able to decode the new formats, which I believe are: Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD Neural Surround, and DTS-HD. I think my Onkyo TX-SR605 does all of those. It tends to run hot, so I put a little fan on top of it to ... 
Give Up?
Maybe it didn't like your choice of digital cable... or it caught a power-line spike and a chip freaked out in which case unplugging it and plugging it back in could have "fixed" it... 
Got A Turntable...What Next?
Raul, that PS Audio GCPH is an excellent sounding unit so I don't think that's the problem. But Restock's point about a possible arm/cartridge mismatch may be valid.I owned the Shelter 501 at one time and it did not sound that optimal in my Wilson... 
Got A Turntable...What Next?
Before I gave up on the Altecs, I'd want to try them with a more powerful tube amp of at least 20 to 30Wpc. No offense but with only 6 watts/channel that Decware amp is probably running out of gas in the bass (maybe highs too). 
Denon AVR1708/3808 vs Onkyo TXSR575/875 matchup? ?
I don't know about those models, but I do own an Onkyo TX-SR605, which can be bought on the www for around $400.I haven't used the Audyssey EQ because my room acoustics are excellent. I've made all the adjustments manually and it sounds great.But ...