
Responses from plato

Looking for Polarity Invert Feature...
Guys, thanks, I appreciate the responses so far. I forgot to mention that I'm looking for RCA outputs as well.I think some of the Audio Research preamps have the polarity invert feature, but I can't recall which models. 
big rig vs. the second system
I think it would vary with which specific systems you are comparing... What you've described sounds like a difference in frequency response to me... It's probably related to the respective rooms and the particular speakers. One pair of speakers ma... 
Need Amp Recommendation
There are a lot of pertinent things that you haven't touched on such as what source or preamp you're using and how much power you need. I'll have to assume from your amp choices thus far that you need a lot of power.So without knowing anymore abou... 
Anyone permanently convert from tubes to SS?
I started with solid-state amplification in the 70's then went heavily into tubes in the 80's. In the late 90's I went back to solid-state, then, about a year ago, I drifted back to a "tubes-in-moderation" philosophy.So now I use a custom 6SN7 sin... 
Which speaker for my system?
Nice turntable... a cartridge upgrade may make a very nice improvement... 
Weird issue with my VPI... please help
I had a Shelter 501 II for a long time and could never get the system balance sounding natural. I changed out everything except the Shelter with no improvement. Then one day I sold the Shelter and bought a Benz. That fixed the problem nicely. Mayb... 
Pioneer RT-707 reel to reel decks
I also have a Teac X700 and think it's a very good deck. It has a lot of features including auto-reverse. I believe the take up hubs are belt-driven and the belts can cause issues. The Pioneer has individual motors for tape drive, and both reel hu... 
Pioneer RT-707 reel to reel decks
I think the RT-707 is an excellent deck especially at their going rate. The look good, are built like tanks, sound very good, and operate quietly and smoothly.One thing... I had to replace the counter belt on my deck. Now I have a high mechanical ... 
Good rock LPs not rare?
Czapp, at the risk of being labeled a heretic, I'd much prefer a slightly forgiving but MUSICAL system to a hyper-detailed system that makes many of my favorite recordings sound flawed...In my view, if a system is dialed in properly, then the bulk... 
does cartridge output level affect surface noise?
Stringreen is right. It should be the same. Since you are at the low end of your phono preamp's input sensitivity it is doubtful that you'd ever overload its input. The only other thing to consider is whether or not using more gain from the phono ... 
Micro Benz S Class cartridges
I've been using the Benz Ebony L cartridge for some time now and I believe it was the first S-class cartridge available in the USA.No, it does not lean to the "brighter" hyper-detailed side. I will say that it is the most musically natural soundin... 
gershman chameleon
I heard them years ago when they were first introduced. They sounded natural, musical and well-balanced to me. For the money, I thought they were a great value, so I'd definitely give them a listen. 
Tubes vs. SS
I had a Rogue 66 in my system many years ago when they had just been introduced. As I recall, the 66 sounded pretty well focused but had PHAT bouncy bass which was not too articulate. And overall the sound was not very dimensional.One thing to con... 
A Few Audio Truths I've Learned?
1. Tubes are great, but “the more, the merrier” strategy does not apply. Since every tube in the signal path has its own unique character, compounded by coupling capacitor distortion, each tube/cap in the signal path makes the sound increasingly c... 
analog vs. digital better ? or just different
"am i in the thick of it, or just at the edge analog wise, because i woudnt say my turntable sounds better, just different. your opinion?" Writes Jrw40From your assessment of your system's sound, I'd have to say that you're just knocking at the do...