
Responses from plato

Live music, headphones, and speakers long
Exlibris, You're welcome. As you can see from the pictures on the Ambiophonics website, Ralph Glasgal's system is very elaborate, complicated and expensive.His basic ambiophonic concept, however, can be tried out very inexpensively. All you need t... 
Live music, headphones, and speakers long
Well, there is certainly a distinct difference between stereo listening and headphone listening. With binaural headphone listening the right ear hears only the Right channel and the left ear hears only the Left channel. There is no time-delayed, i... 
Benz Ebony LP loading
If you don't know if it could sound better... it probably can! But that's the point, you haven't tried any other loading options. 
Benz Ebony LP loading
I'd put the 499 ohms on it and see how it sounds. If the highs seem rolled off then go a little higher, but you may find that the 499 works just fine. I have the Ebony L, which is a little lower output. It seems to like 280 ohms or thereabouts, in... 
Why aren't my subs turning on?
SW,Do you have the manual that came with the sub, because it sounds like it may be a problem of not having your settings correct.When you are playing music you have a stereo line-level source hooked up to the line-level stereo RCA inputs and the s... 
Distortion from speakers - amp?
If the distortion changes sides when you swap the cables between the preamp and amp then the problem lies before the amp... It could be in the preamp, but what kind of cables are you using? Are they shielded? If not, you could try using shielded c... 
Why aren't my subs turning on?
You probably have to leave the power off/on switch in the ON position at all times in order for that feature to work.They will turn off 15 minutes or so after you stop playing music. Once you start playing music again (as long as the switch is ON)... 
behringer vs rives
Shadorne, yes, you're right about the PARC having greater signal purity and sonic integrity -- and for those with analog sources, or those who are using it not just on the bass, but full range, it is probably the better choice...That's why I use a... 
behringer vs rives
Shadorne wrote:"It will not ruin your sound like you can very easily do with a full fledged EQ. For should NEVER boost room nulls with your EQ...this is bad."Shadorne, you are making a lot of assumptions here to support your point..... 
behringer vs rives
In a nutshell, the Behringer is a much more powerful room acoustics shaping tool, but from what I gather is not all that transparent when inserted into a high-end system. However, if you use it on your speaker's bass section only, it could work ou... 
help with s/n ratios of preamps and Moving Coil
Slightly lower channel separation and slightly higher THD figures will not be as overtly apparent as a higher inherent noise level, in my view.How much the low signal to noise ratio will bother you is somewhat dependent on your speaker's treble ch... 
Too many tubes?
I personally think that you CAN have too many tubes in the signal path, especially if they are capacitor coupled. As I've added more tubes to my systems, they've always become softer-sounding and more vague, and have lost detail.I used to use the ... 
Largest Impact - Arm or Cart?
I've got an Incognito-wired Rega RB250 arm with Michell Tecnoweight and Tecno VTA adjuster and it sounds great with the Benz Reference 3. That said, I would trade you for your OL Encounter and Benz M2... 
Stand out phono stages
The new battery-powered Nova Phonomena is a very good performer by any yardstick and it is much more adjustable than most. I like it a lot. 
Polarity Questions..
Reversed polarity can make a noticeable difference, but I notice it more with tubes than solid-state gear and if you have speakers with a crossover in the midrange it then the question of proper polarity could be moot.That said, I think it's nice ...