
Responses from plato

dynaco st120 amps
I owned the ST120 back in the day and thought it sounded quite good. In fact, I didn't think the Dyna ST-400 that I replaced it with sounded much better although it could play louder. 
Do I need a cartridge with more than .3 mV Output?
I don't know about how much gain you will need, but I can tell you that although the PS Audio GCPH sounds very good in some systems, when I used it with my 0.26mV output Benz Ref 3 Copper MC cartridge, its residual noise level was unacceptable. I ... 
running active and passive together
Well, since the specs of your preamp seem to be "unavailable" online and you don't list the gain figures for each stage, I can't give you a definite answer. Does each stage work concurrently...both controlled by the common volume control? If not, ... 
Is Mc a step up on the prima luna's?
No... while I could agree with you that your speakers could use more power and perhaps solid-state control in the bass, you'll lose that nice EL34 midrange that the PrimaLuna offers.Here's an idea... Bi-amp: Use the Prima Luna amps on the midrange... 
Good Sound Quality From 10 Inch Records?
Do you mean 78rpm records? Which speed are you playing them at -- 33 or 45? 
Integrated changes input selection by itself
An electronics designer told me that sometimes AC filters can boost the line voltage a little bit to make them sound better... but if your line voltage is already on the high side (mine is) the extra boost can cause op-amps to bug-out.Instead of p... 
Does good technology guarantees musicality?
The actual results depend more on component/cable matching, careful setup and the room acoustics of the particular room where the system is installed. Other than that, I do try to look for equipment that provides excellent technical performance pe... 
Optimal speaker size for given room, or drivers?
4musica44107 writes:"Although I found them to be a bit less musical and involving than the Sonus Fabers, I have never heard a speaker that images better than the Quatro's."My NSR Sonic Research Sonata D3 speakers image considerably better than my ... 
Optimal speaker size for given room, or drivers?
The questions you've asked are very complex and would require a book (more likely several books) to address properly, not a few paragraphs in this forum.What further complicates it is that you may change to a smaller room in the future but you're ... 
Home theater without center channel? Opinions?
"What bugs me more so than no center ch is how 7.1 processors (the current rage) work as 5.1 systems. They don’t seem to have the same discrete/separated ch info, and more so seem to react as merely an older pro logic – or surround sound field tha... 
ANything beat onkyo for ht receiver $500?
I have the TX SR-605 and it sounds amazingly natural and musical from bottom to top and the dynamics are fantastic. I can't really fault it except that it runs a bit hot. I doubt if any receiver under $1000 sounds noticeably better. Can't comment ... 
monarchy sm-70 pro VS. se-160
The SM 70 Pro is fully solid-state and lower powered than the SE-160. The SE-160 monoblock amps would be a better choice for using power hungry speakers like the Magnepans in a medium to large size room. Plus you'd have the advantage of being able... 
Into 2009; What rules?? Tubes or Solid State
A great solid-state amp matched with a great tube preamp... 
Yay or Nay
I'm going to say "Nay," only because I know how good the Rega Apollo is as a stand alone player. But I will note that when my Apollo was new I didn't think it was all it was cracked up to be, and in fact, I didn't think it was much of an improveme... 
Record Weight for JA Michell GyroDec SE
I am using a Basis clamp on my TecnoDec with very good results. I used to use it on a GyroDec and it worked equally well there... more extended bass and a bit less bright in the upper midrange.