
Responses from plato

PrimaLuna Phono ??
I believe that phono board is made in Holland with very high quality parts. The one in my Dialogue Two performs incredibly well and is extremely musical/detailed/dynamic, etc. I know Kevin Deal offers it as a "convenience," and says he loses money... 
Tube Integrated with deep bass
PrimaLuna DiaLogue Two - provides deep articulate bass. If you can get by with 38 rather robust watts per channel, you need look no further. 
Lumen white: White Light
My feeling is that you have listened to an unfamiliar system as a system. You know there were things you didn't like, but since you listened in the context of a complete system you cannot point the finger at any one piece of gear.But I was at CES ... 
Anyone switich to all Signal Cable wired system?
Just to put in my 2 cents, my feeling is that the Silver Resolution cables are extended and neutral. They don't sound rolled off (even slightly) in either of my two systems. Perhaps Alun is comparing them to truly bright sounding cables... In any ... 
tt surface noise reduce or tolerate?
Sometimes surface noise is exaggerated if the vertical tracking angle is not correct or if the tracking force is set too high. Maybe you should check those things too.You don't say which arm and Benz cartridge you have, but I know some of the more... 
Anyone switich to all Signal Cable wired system?
I've been using the SignalCables in two of my systems for the past couple of years, so you could say they are time-proven (at least for me). I'm not using many of their power cords though but I know I have at least one MagicPower cord in each syst... 
Very low speaker impedance
Duke, that sounds like a neat setup you had with the Eagle 2 and the Strathearns. Yes, if a single ribbon was 0.55-ohm it's no wonder I always saw them being used in a line source in conjunction with one or two other ribbons.At that time, some of ... 
Very low speaker impedance
Believe it or not, not every designer builds a speaker so that their potential customer's favorite tube amp will be able to drive it.Also, there are now quite a few audiophile quality amplifiers on the market that can drive loads less than one ohm... 
Want to improve sound of Silverline Prelude II
I own the Prelude II's and they are totally kicking butt in my system.As I see it you have two areas for improvement. As I recall, the AM Spellcaster cables were very bright and not well-balanced in my system when I tried them. I would try some di... 
Heres my plan, input please.
If you have to ask, then no, you are not doing okay. Also, since you didn't list any associated gear or anything about the size of your room, how could anyone offer a meaningful opinion? Getting back to that "Alphabet Soup..." 
Improve your hearing?
Yeah Pedrillo, that's pretty cheesy not saying which vitamin you believe is responsible... Or could it be you take so many that you don't know which one made the difference? 
Driven to Tears
I agree and disagree with the previous posts.For me, I can be driven to tears by beautiful tone either by a live performance or on an audio system that reproduces the sweetness of the harmonic structure. Tubes are often better for this than solid-... 
Bass issues,,,,will new speaker help?
Chad,Perhaps the "Cardas Rule" will not work in your room. I'd try repositioning the speakers closer to the wall and if that fails I'd put them on an adjacent wall and experiment there. Why lock yourself into a certain speaker location because of ... 
Vinyl vs. digital: what am I doing wrong?
Get rid of your Shelter and buy a Benz... That's what it took to get my vinyl rig competitive with my digital. The Shelter was always too bright in my system no matter what I did -- and my Benz cartridges seem to have a more proportionate and natu... 
Has anyone lost their best friend?
I lost my good friend Paul a few years ago when I lived in NJ. He was a great guy and loved by his family and all who knew him. We'd go to audio club meetings together and invite eachother over to listen to our latest musical finds. But he develop...