
Responses from plato

The Ten Rules of high-end audio
Pretty good basic guidelines overall, but I find numbers 2 and 8 to be suspect.In other words (#2) putting bright, thin, or otherwise bad sounding cables in a good system can make it sound bad (or worse than it should). And putting coherent, neutr... 
Digital downloads better than redbook audio?
Snip: "but if we got lucky, people would notice a different and the demand would increase for these, later resulting a better world for us audiophiles."Re: the above comment...Dream on, dream on!Other than that, I guess my experience is opposite o... 
best transport for ... 2008?
Well Soc, old chum, I'd be real interested in the new PS Audio Perfect Wave Transport. It's a memory transport that can hook to the internet, has great features and performance and is priced around $1500. It should be out in a couple of months if ... 
Onkyo 805 set up help, please
Hello Andrew,I have an Onkyo 605 which contains many of the same features as the 805. I had a problem with the sub not kicking in on my analog sources. The problem was that the output volume of the Onkyo was too low to activate the sub.Onkyo has a... 
What am I hearing
Spaz,Debbie Gibson's "Only in My Dreams" in 12" vinyl is a great record for that effect where the music goes around behind you and way out to the sides. Near the end, the percussive sounds circum-navigate the room (counter-clockwise if I recall co... 
Shortening my short list – Thiel 3.6 vs VMPS rm30?
I can't usually get a powered sub to blend seamlessly with satellite speakers and I have tried.But another great option for a small room is a pair of the svelte Silverline Prelude speakers... Their high efficiency makes them easy to drive and they... 
Shortening my short list – Thiel 3.6 vs VMPS rm30?
FWIW, as others have pointed out, the Thiels, with their greater dispersion pattern will create a lot of problems from reflections in a small, hard room.The RM30's on the other hand are more directional and are made to be canted in toward the list... 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
In the final analysis your own ears become the ultimate arbiters in the decision of which piece sounds the most like live music to you ( to your particular brain).The trouble is that our rooms and every single component in the electronics chain to... 
On the Fence with Analog Vs. Digital. Need Help
Okay, I have a little different take on all of this. My intuition tells me that you need to find out why your system sounds harsh and unnatural. I don't think that it's necessarily a question of digital vs. analog; there are many other factors to ... 
Review: NuForce 9 V2 SE Amplifier
I have to say that my own experience with the Reference 9V2 SE amps mirrors Denf's very closely. I can also add that on my VMPS RM30 speakers the bass is outstandingly articulate and extended. I first used a solid-state preamp with the NuForce and... 
Bi-Amp Combo opinion
That should probably work fine (although I don't know what speakers you intend to power). The level control on the TAD-60 should make level matching easy. 
Am I getting it all?
Putting it through the passive preamp may be squashing the dynamics and the soundstage bloom... That said, there is quite a bit more to tweaking in a good phono system than there is to tune a CD source. So no, I don't believe your getting it all..... 
What is FAST?
Get a copy of the rodrigo y gabriela self-titled CD/DVD and if those extremely fast guitar licks sound crisp and clear your system is "fast". If it sounds somewhat blurred, vague, or muddled, your system is "slow". But one word of caution... on so... 
Nuforce 9V2SE with Dodd tube pre?
I'm not familiar with the Dodd, but I am using mine with great success and pleasure with a custom made 6SN7 tube preamp. All I can say is that the 9V2 SE is a chameleon... it will sound just like whatever you put in front of it in your electronics... 
Live music, headphones, and speakers long
Exlibris,Yes, that's the problem most folks have with the acoustic absorptive barrier, but it is very effective and demonstrates the principle. It is kind of mind blowing that even with the speakers a few feet apart the stereo image appears wider ...