
Responses from peter_s

fathom f113 vs. 2 velo. dd-10 s
I have an f113 and it's the best sub I've ever heard or worked with. So easy to integrate. That said, why not consider 2 f112's? 
What If?
I like the Quad idea too. Your room is big enough for them, your amps are well suited, and you clearly like a fast sound. I would go for the 989 to get extra bass. I imagine you could place them against the front wall when you'r not using them, wi... 
Any B&W 802D/800D alternatives looks and sound?
You may want to look into the new Avalon Indras. They image spectacularly. 
Maple platform question
Check out Michigan Maple Block - great deals there. I got 21x15x3 inch butcher block cutting boards for around $80 each. They appear to be very good quality. 
I'm shocked
Jgiacalo or others: is it really true that the only model that does the trick is SCHP1001? I would assume that there are many other PS-1's out there. Is it that different?Thanks, Peter 
PC Audio Choice: Mac+USB, Transporter, or Squeezbx
Does the duet handle high resolution stuff, such as 24/96 or 24/88.2? I hope we will be moving into high rez soon enough, and don't want to miss out on that... 
Upgrade for users of 1/2" mylar belt
Thanks Doug. I'll check the website for where to get the silver mylar. 
fine tuning speaker placement
I agree with all the trial and error suggestions above. I need to do the same with my Avalon Indras, which I recently purchased. If you do want to visualize your results though, and have a computer available, consider purchasing "TrueRTA" on the w... 
Shipping speakers to Europe - France: how to?
I just shipped a pair of Maggie 20.1's to Sweden for $600. Yes, have them strapped on a pallet. Shipping airport to airport is cheaper than to a home or business. Contact Pilot Air for a quote. 
VTL MB450 monos Vs. BAT VK 60se monos?
Wow Ejlif! I am really surprised. I had the JC-1's and the MB450's in the same system for a while (Maggie 20.1's as well as Gallo Ref 3.1's), and to my taste the VTL's put meat on the music whereas the JC-1's sounded pretty flat and uninteresting.... 
Which Sub. Rel B-1 or Fathom F-113
Frank, are you using rolling off the signal to your main speakers with a high pass, or are you just running the mains full spectrum? Thanks, Peter 
How do I build the best room
Hi Kevin,It's great that you are designing a room from scratch! If you use dipoles, you may want to consider diffusion behind them. I've spent a good amount of time with dipoles in a room 14.5x18x11 (slanted ceiling from 8 to 14 feet), and you wil... 
best amp to drive Gallo 3.1's?
They like alot of power. I didn't like them too much with a Parasound JC-1, but they sounded pretty good with VTL 450's. 
Which amp to Bi-amp my Maggie 20.1
While I am in the process of selling my 20.1's due to a room too small, I tried a lot of amps, and my experience (and that of Bea at VTL) is to use the more powerful amp for the mids/highs. That is where you really want to get the sharpest dynamic... 
Avalon Indra vs Sonus Faber Cremona M
By the way, I agree with the guys above. While I love the Indra, I would certainly bring your source up to the quality of the rest of your system...