
Responses from peter_s

James Randi vs. Anjou Pear - once and for all
Meagan02 - your answer doesn't answer the question of why someone won't step up and win the million dollars. I just did a listening test last night with a couple of buddies - Purist speaker cables (Elementa Advance, not their priciest) against a c... 
Recording Analog Backups to PC and CD
Jkalman - I mean cheap-cheap. Like something you find on ebay that a talented person overseas is making and selling! 
Recording Analog Backups to PC and CD
Does anyone know of a really inexpensive USB A/D converter for a non-audiophile friend who wants to transfer records? Thanks. 
Stolen SoundLabs - just in case...
Greg is right about that. I "found" my car again after it got stolen and taken for a joy ride. I put myself into the "mind of the thief" and though about where I would leave it if I wanted to dump it. I don't know how easy that would be for the Ba... 
Stolen SoundLabs - just in case...
Duke - I feel your pain here on this one. I don't imagine those guys even know what to do with the speakers. Keep us informed - I hope they turn up, and that one form of insurance steps forward. All the Best, Peter 
Watt/Puppies with SET or push-pull???
I was pretty impressed at CES about 4 years ago, hearing the WP7's with the Lamm SET amps, which put out (I think) 18 wpc. I don't think the system was pushed super hard, but what I did hear had tremendous finesse and spatial realism. 
Who still repairs Naim Nait 1 integrateds?
I don't mean to hijack this thread, but does anyone else find it somewhat reprehensable that a high end company wouldn't service their own gear due to age? I understand the parts issue, and that usually comes into play with CD players, etc. But am... 
Suggestions: Best speaker/sub combo for Desktop PC
You might want to consider some of the TBI products. I have heard their mini monitor and subwoofer combos, and they are great. 
$40.000 speaker advise. Check out my list
I've heard 3, 4 and 6 - and was most impressed with the eidelon diamonds. Wish I could afford a pair! 
ARCAM CD23 internal DAC vs. stand-alone DAC
What do you like/dislike about the CD23 sound? I had one for a while and really enjoyed its combination of resolution and ease. Somehow though I found myself attracted to "warmer" sounding CDP's - even though the CD23 didn't fail to charm, and in ... 
Belkin TuneFM for iPod
I own the Belkin to get music into my car CDP. While it does the job, it is at the expense of fidelity. Very rolled off highs, alot of swishy background noise added to the music. Spend $100 more and get a car CDP that has a harness/interface for t... 
DeOxit and ProGold
Do you guys apply it (not by spraying) to the inside of RCA jacks? If so, do you wipe them out as well, using a clean Q tip? 
Does Anyone Bi-Amp With both SS and Tubes?
Hi T-Bone,Marco described my system above. I'm using a solid state Marchand Xover. I haven't done much to it since I installed the Xover and the Bryston. I was warned by several against mixing tubes and SS on a biamp system, but couldn't really af... 
Berning ZH270 vs 845 SET amp
One thing I was really impressed about though - it is a very fast amplifier. 
Berning ZH270 vs 845 SET amp
Mike,I had the ZH270 in my system (multiple systems) for a while. I think I will be the lone dissenter, but I really didn't like it. I found the upper midrange to be too aggressive. I even had the upgraded cryo'd tubes. Several other friends liste...