
Responses from peter_s

Avalon Indra vs Sonus Faber Cremona M
Hi Bobby,I just brought a pair of Indras into my system. I love these speakers - they are wonderful at soundstaging and they are great at reproducing inner detail. My listening room was just too small for my prior speakers - Magnepan 20.1's, which... 
Parasound JC-1 vs Pass Labs 250.5
Personally, I've owned the JC-1's and heard them in audio stores, and I find them to be generally uninvolving and flat on the "involving scale". I would look elsewhere. Pass is proabably good. What about some of the big Plinius amps? 
B & W 800D
I think it's a great sounding speaker. I heard it in a showroom with Classe amplification. Very enjoyable to listen to. I haven't heard anything with the diamond tweeter that I haven't liked so far (Avalon, Kharma...). I get the impression that it... 
Parasound JC-1 power amplifier
I had a pair of JC-1's - used them on the top and bottom ends of Maggie 20.1's and on Gallo Reference 3.1's. I sold them. My experience was that the JC-1's seemed pretty flat - lifeless and uninvolving. Maybe I'm just a tube kind of guy, but my VT... 
CD or even Universal player with 2ch Digital IN ?
Ckoffend - quite a lineage of CD players you've had there. Can you provide your impressions gleaned during this evolution? Thanks, Peter 
power cord for electrostatic speaker
I was surprised to hear a positive improvement on my Quad 988's. I think it's worth a try.Best, Peter 
What is a good amp to pair with Hovland HP-100
PS Rickk - I think you're working in reverse order here. I think you should decide what speakers you like, then what amp works best with them, and finally choose the preamp. The preamp makes a huge difference, but I wouldn't recommend locking your... 
What is a good amp to pair with Hovland HP-100
I have the Hovland, and am enjoying it with VTL MB-450 monoblocks. Here is some information from a Stereophile review what may be useful regarding impedence matching:"The Hovland’s line stage didn’t invert absolute polarity. Its input impedance wa... 
Squeezebox interfacing???
So, with a NAS HD, do you need to have a computer involved at all, for running Slim Server? Or could you just listen to music using your remote control with the Squeezebox, and having it access its music from the NAS HD?I have several computers in... 
can I get some opinions - bass on magnepan mg20.1
I've got 20.1's as well, and I don't find they are lacking for bass. When I listen to music that has bass, it is really there. When I listen to bass shy music, I am offering wondering where is the bass. They are great at presenting whatever is the... 
ProAcs or B&W--Not hifi experienced, but luv music
Good luck Jane. Keep us informed of your progress. Peter 
ProAcs or B&W--Not hifi experienced, but luv music
You can educate yourself on both the Oppo and the Paradisea by searching on those words in the forums. I believe Oppo has a new model out - you'll need to read up and figure out which one to get. It's also a great DVD player. 
ProAcs or B&W--Not hifi experienced, but luv music
Check "completed listings" and search for "Paradisea". Make sure you get the spelling right. If there are none on there currently, he will list some soon. Just buy one using "buy it now". Here is one listing: 
ProAcs or B&W--Not hifi experienced, but luv music
Hi Jane,I have heard the 1sc's, and I (personally) like them alot. I'm not sure you will get their full effect when you are working, far away down the long end of the room, but when you are sitting closer in, relaxing, their musicality and imaging... 
ProAcs or B&W--Not hifi experienced, but luv music
Here is a thread for integrateds to go with the 805 signature. Similar amplifier manufacturers may apply to the 805: may also consider tube amplifiers. I hav...