
Responses from peter_s

High Current Monoblocks
I'm curious where one sees the specification for how much current an amplifier can deliver. I've always seen watts, never amps. Thanks, Peter 
High Current Monoblocks
I think Spectron amps are switching and provide high current - is this correct? I know nothing about their sound. But I want to throw out a general question about high current. I've always judged this solely by how wattage changes with speaker imp... 
I met Eva Manley
Kurt_tank - you must have met Ken Stevens on a good day! 
Stacked Bookshelf Speakers -- Perplexing Nirvana?
Funny, I've run two pairs of floor standers (Vandersteen 2aSig and Dynaudio 72 side by side, and really liked the sonics too. No imaging to speak of, but very satisfying. 
Quatre dg-250 amplifier
You want to talk with Chris Donnelly of Sundisk Studios in Flagstaff AZ. He knows about these amps - and yes, some of them did "blow up". I have the Quatre preamp, which is very good. 
First Tube Amp: Advice? Keep spare tubes on hand?
It's also worth noting that some amps require that the set of output tubes per channel be matched, in which case you would need to have spare matching sets of tubes. Other amps are biased for each tube, and don't require matching, so having one or... 
WAV file
My understanding is this: the itunes library is a database and it has a path for each song. The path tells it which folder it is in - or which folder within a folder within a folder. As long as all your "moving operations" are within itunes, the i... 
which non ARC poweramp do you use with ARC REF 3
If the ARC's output impedence is low enough, I imagine it would work with a variety of amps. Shouldn't you be asking the question more what amp works with your speakers? I'd think that is harder to get the synergy right.Best, Peter 
WAV or Apple Lossless Encoder?
Wishful thinking. You can never recover information that you lost when compressing the files into MP3 or other lossy formats. 
Looking for some 'grass
I would check out the band Hot Rize - my favorite of their albums: Untold Stories. Greate singing and playing. 
WAV or Apple Lossless Encoder?
Dtc - a few responses to your most recent post:"I would like to understand just what extra information is in an ALAC file that degrades its sound. Any explanation or references to this?"Steve will have to answer this. I was merely repeating what h... 
WAV or Apple Lossless Encoder?
Brian - when you set up EAC you specify a database for it to check (online) to identify well song names. When you insert your CD, atleast for me, the songlist did not have the information, and I had to push a button to "get information" to fill in... 
WAV or Apple Lossless Encoder?
First answer - Marco, the file that you preferred was indeed the one prepared in EAC by ripping to wave, and then transported over to itunes and converted to Apple Lossless (ALAC). I detect a "significant" difference as well - maybe 10-20% improve... 
WAV or Apple Lossless Encoder?
I think everyone should try this at home and report the results... I was alerted to this by a leading manufacturer of PC audio related gear (who can identify himself), and found it to be true. Here is the test:1) Burn a song from a clean CD to a w... 
How Important is Getting Your Rack Out
Interesting - I was just reading in Jim Smith's new publication "Get Better Sound" that having a rack between is more detrimental than added length in cabling, both because it provides reflective surfaces to disrupt the soundstage and because it p...