
Responses from peter_s

Are my older Svetlana KT88's Svets or Winged C's?
I like the 6550's too, and use them in my VTL 450's. I'm just thinking that if I can increase my current stock to enough to put in the VTL's (7 good ones, increased to 16), I can have a listen for myself, for not too much $$$$. Thanks Albert. 
Hickok Settings for Testing 6550
If anyone is interested, I just got the following information from Roger Kennedy, who (I think) is an excellent tube tester repairman in southern california (his website is Voltage: 6.3 Selector on 533B: JR-... 
Are my older Svetlana KT88's Svets or Winged C's?
Thank you Albert. So, I should be after winged C KT88's to try out on my beloved VTL 450's... By the way, if anyone has any that are low hours or still test well, and want to divest, drop me an email! Thanks. 
Are my older Svetlana KT88's Svets or Winged C's?
And the followup question is: are these older Svet KT88's worth matching? If they are the same as Winged C's, I would think the answer is yes. But I don't see a lot of phrase about current production Svetlana KT88's (maybe I haven't looked hard en... 
Best sounding MP3 Player?
I was just searching for a reasonably priced one for a friend. I don't know if this is Mac compatable, but it is said to have good audio and only costs $45 on sale (in the 2 gb version). 
Speakers that do rock justice ...
Sorry Mrtennis - I've got the 20.1's biamped with 1400 wpc total power, and I still wouldn't say they are especially dynamic. They are alot of other great things - natural, spacious, tonally balanced, large soundstage - but I would not put dynamic... 
Computer music server PC or Apple????
I have considered the same route, and would really like it if I could use a remote control to control Itunes on the Apple. I know that's available with later model Apples, not sure about the mini. I guess if you're using a wireless mouse and keybo... 
Qualified Tube Technician in Pacific Northwest?
One person suggested:Wedgewood Audio Service, 3315 Beacon Ave South, Seattle, WA 98144; 206-522-4961Any other suggestions. I can go outside the Seattle area - a couple hours drive - as far as Portland. 
DIY Acoustic Diffusers
I made my own diffusors using balsa wood. The formula is available online. I bought 2"x2" balsa wood planks online (make sure to specify that they are perfectly square or they may come trapazoidal in cross section). I stained the planks, cut 3 dif... 
Oppo 980H setup and use
Kal - thanks, that's just what I was wondering about. Could you please elaborate. A link, a few key words, or more info about what will/won't work would be great.Thanks, Peter 
Oppo 980H setup and use
I wish someone would manufacture a small, cheap, LCD monitor that could be used just for this purpose! 
how to fix modified square wave AC
A while ago I was considering using DC for powering my rig. I believe it is possible to purchase inverters that make a true sine wave. Look into that. 
Review: PS Audio HCA-2 Amplifier
I had this amp in my system for a while when it first came out. I was comparing it to seveal different amps (Pass Aleph 3/5, ARC VT100mk2, Odysee Stratos Dual Mono) at the time, and wanted to keep one solid state amp. I needed more power than the ... 
VTL 450 6550 or KT88 tubes
I have the same amp and am using SED (Winged C) 6550's. I've been told by reliable sources that KT88's will give more extension on the highs, but not quite as nice in midrange. I haven't confirmed this. I also will soon be doing some 12AT7 tube ro... 
James Randi vs. Anjou Pear - once and for all
Meagan02 - I can't agree with your assessment. Randi may be trying to embarrass the hotshots, but by making this an open challenge, whatever vendetta he may have has been diluted and the question is now open to all. I'm not saying that someone "sh...