
Responses from peter_s

Purist elementa advance anyone heard ?
Yes, I purchased EA speaker cables from Albert Porter and swapped them in for my Signal Cable Ultra's and WOW - they are very nice cables. I am using Venustas IC's. What I heard (and two audiophile friends also heard) was a warm yet detailed sound... 
Parasound JC 1 or Musical Fidelity KW 550?
I'll just chime in to say that I had the JC-1's in my house in several systems (Maggies, Gallos, Aerial 10T, Avalons) and I was not impressed. To me, these amps just do not bring life into the music. They may be powerful and make bass, but I never... 
Electrocompaniet CDP
I've also owned this player for about 5 years and had no problems whatsoever. It is a great sounding player. 
Personal Preamp Evolution.
Rogue 66BAT VK-31SERogue 99 MagnumAudible Illusions 3aEAR 864PCat Ultimate v1Hovland HP100 
My First USB DAC Sounds Dull, Please Help
I agree with Ejlif - this is a nice sounding DAC. Not the uptmost in high frequency extension, but not by any means dull and uninivolving.Is there a transport you could use to plug into the DAC and test whether it is the USB part of the circuit or... 
magnepan 1.6 subwoofer recomendations
Frank mentions the Mye stands. I don't know if they make the bass deeper, but the certainly make it more well defined. I'd strongly recommend them. 
Ayre K-1xe vs Audio Research Ref 3
I too am interested in this topic. I'll stay tuned! 
I'm a total newbee to all this... Phono vs Preamp?
If you buy a tube preamp without a phono section, you can plug your TT into your receiver, and take the tape out from your receiver and feed it into your new preamp. Ultimately, you probably want to eventually just get a decent stand-alone phono s... 
$ 2500 ....Stay with Vandersteens ??...what else ?
I think the Acoustic Zen adagios are great speakers for the money. Not sure about their sensitivity, or how they mate with the Rogue. Something to consider. 
iPod docking station - Belkin vs Wadia vs Arcam
Last years RMAF I heard a demo which compared an ipod on an apple docking station to a reasonably good CDP on a nice sounding system (don't remember the components, but a Pathos integrated was involved) and I was surprised at the quality of the do... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Mine won't even ship until this coming thursday. I must have chosen the wrong finish!!! (cherry) 
JL Audio Fathom 113 Hi Pass Filter
I am using a 113 in my main 2 channel system without a high pass filter on the mains with excellent results. Best sub I have ever had, easiest to integrate. I'm sure I don't have it dialed in perfectly, but it got so close on first brush, I've bee... 
Analogue to Digital USB unit?
Apogee has a very good AD converter with USB. I don't remember the name. I had an Edirol unit mod'd by the Oade Brothers (check their website). Even though they no longer make the mod, they may also have suggestions. 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
I also ordered a pair, and will report here as well. 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
How far off the walls do they need to be? Or more succintly, do they tend to be "near wall" tolerant?I'm thinking of getting a pair for my living room, which is a secondary listening area to my listening room. They would live near walls, unless I ...