
Responses from peter_s

VTL 5.5 vs. Lamm LL2?
I compared the 2.5 and the LL2D, and found that the LL2 had a huge soundstage, it was significantly better than the 2.5. I haven't heard the 5.5, but one area the 2.5 excelled in was pace (and neutrality too). I imagine the 5.5 has that and more. 
Interaction with music server while listening?
Why not a mac mini for server and an iPod touch for remote? 
Remote Control of Itunes
Thanks so far guys. Any information on how to share screens using my Dell PC laptop as the remote would be much appreciated. Although I have an older Mac laptop (running OS 10.3.9), it is slated for other service and my preference is to use the co... 
SP10 Mk II vs Mk III
Thanks John,I've tallied up all (23) of the electrolytic caps for the boards inside the table directly out of the service manual. My list is below. Again, I assume that the "WV" and "W" ratings are all meant to be volts. If I am wrong, someone ple... 
Mozart Piano Concertos
Thanks everyone for your excellent suggestions. I look forward to checking them out. Peter 
SP10 Mk II vs Mk III
OK - so I'll go to Mouser and purchase the replacement caps for the boards. I did a quick count from the replacement parts list in the service manual and it looks like there are about 30 electolytic caps on the boards. One thing I just don't get: ... 
SP10 Mk II vs Mk III
Hi All,I've got 2 mkii's and one chassis ala Albert Porter. I've replaced all the caps in my PS, but none on the table's boards. Relative to the PS, how critical are the caps on these boards? Also, how difficult/easy is it to access these boards, ... 
How would you compare Ayre to Parasound?
My experience was exactly opposite! I had the Parasound with 4 different speakers I was auditioning, and in all cases I felt like it was dull and unengaging. The Ayre is the finest non-tube SS amp I've had in my system, beyond the Odyssey Stratos ... 
Best Matching Power Amplifier for Quad 2805?
Look for threads on matching the 988. Should be pretty much the same. 
Warm tube preamp for under 1000
The Cary SLP-50a is a nice one, warm, enjoyable to listen to. Kind of hard to find (I have one). 
Hybrid vs. Straight Tubes
I've heard the Jolida hybrid amps and have not been impressed. That said, I guess I haven't been overly impressed with the Jolida 302b I had years ago. Overall, I'd probably go for a tube integrated, perhaps something other than Jolida. 
B&W 802 N vs. D
I've heard the 800D's, and I have to say that the diamond tweeters sound soooo good on all the speakers I've heard them in. Very impressive and appealing. 
Need a custom amp face plate
I had a chassis and faceplate made by these guys. They did a great job and the price was quite reasonable. I designed the faceplate on a CAD system, and they used their CAD reader. They may be able to do it from any computer file that you can spec... 
One or two JL subs?
Any thoughts about mixing a 113 and a 112? 
Berning ZH-270 Replacement
Bombaywalla - it's somehow comforting to know that I'm not the lone dissenter to this love fest! I really wanted to like the ZH-270 - I thought it would be the answer to all my needs. I don't think that it was the source components or the cables, ...