

Responses from ozzy62

Does upgrading you system have to be on a logarithmic curve?
roxy54 5,924 posts 08-15-2022 at 11:04am  shanesrain, You might want to delete your post when you sober up. That advice could be given on a daily basis around here.  
I had the UPS Store package and ship a pair of Montana SP-2 II speakers about 15 years ago. I assumed you could trust them to do it right. Wrong. They arrived completely destroyed. Each 75 lb. speaker was put in a single box with nothing but pack... 
What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?
mijostyn 6,375 posts 08-15-2022 at 09:50pm  @charles1dad , dogmatic maybe, presumptuous, not at all. What you are listening to is a study in colored inaccuracy. You can like it all you want but calling it accurate is a big stretch.  Maybe ... 
Has anyone compared Lumin the U1 Mini to the U2 Mini?
If you wouldn't mind sharing offline where you found one at that price, I'd appreciate it. My son has a Node and is interested in upgrading.  
Has anyone compared Lumin the U1 Mini to the U2 Mini?
I had a Node 2i before the Lumin and I think the U-1 was a very nice improvement. Using both with an external DAC of course.    
Has anyone compared Lumin the U1 Mini to the U2 Mini?
My take away is that the U-2 mini is a natural progression with some updates over the U-1 mini, which I already own. I don't feel it is necessary to run out and replace mine with the newer one. But for someone who doesn't own either, the U-2 makes... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
@roxy54  never mind, I didn't know how old these posts were   That’s ok. Thanks for showing us who you are. Much appreciated….  
Solar power
Not ready for prime time. Just like EVs…  
Klipsch Jubilee amplifiers
There’s a member on the klipsch forum that just took delivery of a pair. There aren’t many of these in the wild yet.  
Klipsch Jubilee amplifiers
You should be here…   Klipsch Community  
Has anyone compared Lumin the U1 Mini to the U2 Mini?
Jason have you done any comparisons of servers and if so please give examples.     I think even I could answer that question…..  
Bluesound Node volume pot setting for an integrated amp
Volume control wide open on the Node and Roku. Control everything from the integrated amp.  
For those of you who had spent over hundred thousand dollars for your sound system.
@z32kerber  I spy a JJ Electronics preamp in the rack. I had one years ago and still have fond memories of it. Excellent phono stage.    
musician aquarius r2r dac any good?
'blows away"   ....and there it is....  
Tekton haters and bashers you just got a new target!
I don't think there is any real commonality between Tekton and this Monitor Audio speaker other than multiple drivers   I agree. Any comparison is quite a stretch...