

Responses from ozzy62

Is it worth using an Anticable level 5 for a PHONO PREAMP? Overkill?
As if on cue, the usual suspects feel it's absolutely necessary to make an appearance to alert all viewers of this thread how foolish it is to believe that cables make an improvement in an audio system. One thing's for sure, their reliability is o... 
Words of wisdom on choosing a speaker
First I saw "words of wisdom", then I saw "kenjit". Even though I knew the two were diametrically opposed, I opened the thread anyway. That was my mistake...  
looking for a more efficient speaker.....
Since you are itching to try a more sensitive speaker, I'll recommend the Klipsch Cornwall IV. But likely as not, you'd want to change the amp too. But that DNA must be at least 25 years (or more) old. Although I love Steve's amps, that is a litt... 
Which pair of speakers changed your Hifi life?
I went to the stereophile HiFi 96 show in Manhattan and there I heard the Silver version of the original Von Schweikert  VR4s. I came home and ordered a pair straight away. I had only owned midfi speakers up until that point and these were a gatew... 
looking for a more efficient speaker.....
Well I guess power ain’t an issue……  
Just got a new Bluesound Node. Very disappointed!
FWIW, I had the last iteration of the Node before this one. I would describe the sound exactly as you did, a slight metallic sheen over the music. I replaced a raspberry pi player with the node and although the user interface was much improved, th... 
looking for a more efficient speaker.....
If you are hearing the Alons strain, you are probably under powering them.  
This sounds suspicious...
Well if he's a scammer, he's not very good at it. Marked it SOLD!      
This sounds suspicious...
Well somebody has bought it. Or at least paid for it.....      
Piega loudspeakers
I had a pair of P-10s many years ago. I thought they were excellent speakers. A little power hungry, but they responded well to 160 watts of tube Canary monoblocks. Very dynamic and resolving. I still have fond memories of them.  
Piega loudspeakers
 I would add a pair of ElREL SHO’s. EIREL? Is that a new company?      
Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Harbeth SHL5+
urbie 112 posts 07-13-2022 at 01:47am  your first mistake is putting your system on the short wall you should be firing it down the length of the room the second mistake is not isolating your speakers from all vibration, get the Townshend podi... 
SPL: Reference level performance, German build quality, and innovative designs
@rossb  Thanks for the comments. The only SPL gear I own is the Phonos and I find it to be an exceptional phono stage. I don't notice the hardness you describe. But I bought it used and can't speak to how it sounds fresh out of the box.      
Low Frequency Rumble from TT between songs
missioncoonery 1,106 posts 07-12-2022 at 11:24am Have you considered a dac? Your disdain for analog is almost as annoying as your frequent childish rants about a certain speaker company.  Remember which forum you find yourself in. Give it ... 
Carver Corp Vanished? Help!
Let's see, where to start. Is it that you revived a 22 yr old thread? Or that you posted in the wrong thread? Or that your post is incoherent?  Too many choices here.