

Responses from ozzy62

Preamps can color sound considerably. Surprising?
@bassdude  Some high quality passives that I have owned. Two different TVCs using Stevens & Billington transformers The Sonic Euphoria AVC Tortuga Audio LDR And I currently am using a Hattor Audio "Big" passive using AMRT resistors and he... 
Preamps can color sound considerably. Surprising?
This is exactly why I eschew active preamps. I have owned quite a few well respected ones, the last being a Don Sachs which was very good. But when compared to a good passive, it's just no contest. As long as you have reasonably efficient speakers... 
What Gear is Universally Adored?
No gear is “universally adored”. For that to be true, everyone would have to dig it. Name any example, and someone, somewhere out there hates it, and won’t mind saying so. I think @ghdprentice has it right. Some stuff is legendary.   
Lumin U1 Mini - how to set up Network *without* Ethernet cables?
@jabbaman  a I am using a Pontus II DAC. Before that I had a heavily modified MHDT Pagoda and this sounded very good as well.  
Lumin U1 Mini - how to set up Network *without* Ethernet cables?
I don't use any add ons with my Lumin. Just ethernet (plain jane cable) in and balanced out to a Denfrips DAC. Sounds great to these ears.    
GoldenEar Triton Reference for a large room...
Agreed. That "lost" bass might just be found by a somewhat annoyed neighbor.  
GoldenEar Triton Reference for a large room...
So you are moving into an apartment and are worried if you will have enough bass? I wonder if your neighbors will have the same concern?      
School bus / Tiny Home Speaker Recommendation?
I’ve really got no recommendations, but just want to say how cool that is. I’d like to see some pics if you are so inclined.      
Interconnects - better before preamp or after preamp?
djones51 4,855 posts 09-14-2022 at 08:28pm  I wouldn't worry about it. This surprises no one. I'm sure of it.......  
Audio Rack Opinions
I have a three shelf, double bay Rigid Rack and an amp stand. I highly recommend Butcher Block Acoustics for their products and the customer service.    
Conrad Johnson LP66s Problems
Yes you can mix with no harm.  
To hot or not ???????????
Open invite
It would be a good idea to have a standing thread for all forum members who are open to having others over to listen. It would consist of exactly what you have posted above. Location, description of system, and contact info. I am always up for oth... 
Green Mountain Audio
Congrats on the speakers. Over the years I owned Imagos, Callistos and Continuum C3. All were excellent performers. Roy was a true genius in my book and a real gentleman.  
What speakers have you mistakenly let go and then later repurchased?
I had a pair of PBN Montana SP2 II loudspeakers. I sold them to a buddy. When I started missing them I bought another pair. Later sold that pair. Then I bought the original pair back from said buddy. The last time I owned them was around 2006 or s...