

Responses from ozzy62

Power cords or power conditioner
    secretguy 1,023 posts 09-04-2022 at 09:49pm  I have yet to hear a power cord make a difference.   My money is on “you’ve never even tried”…..    
Dua Lipa denies new allegations of plagiarism of her hit 'Levitating'
Does dose anyone see these speakers in real?
Yeah that article must be old. The British pound and the US dollar are 1/1 now.  
can i get a significant dac upgrade over my Lumin d2 for 2k?
Lumin directly to power amp is an excellent choice if using the LEEDH processor in the app.      
Canary Audio Preamps Any Good?
I had the CA160 monoblocks a few years ago. Great sounding amps until one of the output transformers blew. I'm sure the preamps are very nice too.  
Vinyl goes green!
Wake Up - There is Concern Wake Up - This is a Human Engineered Threat to the Planets Life Support  Wake Up - There are better choices. Oh brother......🙄  
Lumin how do i get next song in playlist???
Yes to get the best experience you need a full sized tablet. I tried it on an 8” Android and that was not so great. I wouldn’t even attempt it with a phone.  
Vinyl goes green!
And so it goes. We stop pipelines and domestic drilling only to truck oil from Canada or ship it across the pond on a tanker. So in the name of being “greener”, we are anything but.  
Perspective system advise needed.
You go @roxy54 !  
My Major System Upgrades in 2022 and Impact of Each
I see little correlation between "spending $ on recordings" and musical enjoyment.  Let me help you. You have no recordings, you have no musical enjoyment. Unless  you are grooving to FM radio.....  
Lumin U2 Mini
Agree @woots  The SQ of streaming from the internet is quickly approaching CDs or local files. And in my system, streaming local files has always beat out the sound of a CD from a transport into the same DAC.  
Is this the entrance to my rabbit-hole?
A few years ago I had 1976 Khorns with AA xovers. I recapped with the Crites kit but wasn't happy with the sound. I ended up with a pair of Volti crossovers that I felt made a very nice improvement. And Greg Roberts is a gem to work with. Just som... 
sbooster upgrade for Lumin D2 worth it?
I think to add a PS to any Lumin product, there has to be some surgery performed.    
Lumin U2 Mini
A lot of people come here asking about streamer sound quality because there are many here who say streamer = streamer.  So to some it is indeed a revelation. Yes, even the cheapest Lumin is much more expensive than the Node. But to me it was worth... 
Lumin U2 Mini
@jetter  What’s your point……?