

Responses from ozzy62

Lumin U2 Mini
I’d have to give the nod to the bluos app over the Lumin, but only slightly. Then again, the app was the best thing about the Node I owned. SQ goes to the Lumin for sure.  
I figured someone had to be buying from them. I’m sure I’d appreciate their packaging and customer service too if I could get beyond their ridiculous pricing. Anyway, glad you are happy.  
Energy Veritas 2.2
More top notch advice from @arcticdeth  🙄  
Horn speakers are really bright?
@willgolf    Sounds good!      
Recommendation on speakers for listening to live music
I am a grateful dead fan and I agree that you want the system to have a very clean tight base to reproduce Phil‘s baselines. I just recently replaced my JL audio subs with a swarm sub system. I really like it. Very clean and tight and integrates ... 
How old are those LaScalas?  If they are old, new crossovers are a great upgrade as well. The appear to be AL5 Lascalas. No upgrade necessary...  
Recommendation on speakers for listening to live music
Comment about SS and Tubes
What you really need is a more powerful tube amp.      
A rookie with 10K, seeking advise
Well if you are not opposed to the idea of replacing the Strata, I would take that 10K and upgrade to a better amp/preamp combo. You already have a Terminator, so you don't even need the onboard DAC of the Strata. You might find this alone would g... 
A rookie with 10K, seeking advise
Tubes will always get my hearty recommendation. You didn't mention your analog front end or your phono preamp. Personally, I'm not a fan of all-in-one solutions like your PS Audio unit, but I understand if convenience and space is an issue. More d... 
New VPI purchase
I know @fsonicsmith stated that the twist in the wire is no good. But I have found that if you use the Soundsmith method of checking anti-skate, that a little twist does the trick. The stylus will slightly pause at the lead out groove, then slowly... 
Does upgrading you system have to be on a logarithmic curve?
but I pour my heart into something that means very little because of the respect in knowing it is so great! Ok Kamala, we know it's you...  
Agree with @glennewdick I have a pair of LS IIs and a pair of 15" subs. Tubes are the name of the game with Klipsch Heritage speakers.   Edit #1 Nice room, BTW....   Edit #2 Looks like you might already have a Cary tube amp. Hard to tell f... 
Does upgrading you system have to be on a logarithmic curve?
Just what we need around here. Need I say no more......?        
Does upgrading you system have to be on a logarithmic curve?
shanesrain, Just curious...what's your first language? Nothing that you have said in these posts makes any sense at all, and I'm thinking that it might have something to do with poor translation. If that's not it your problem might be much more ...