

Responses from ozzy62

musician aquarius r2r dac any good?
'blows away"   ....and there it is....  
Tekton haters and bashers you just got a new target!
I don't think there is any real commonality between Tekton and this Monitor Audio speaker other than multiple drivers   I agree. Any comparison is quite a stretch...  
Time to upgrade the pre-amp.
My take is that you need zero gain, and will be the better for it. YMMV...  
Beware of scam listings - users now have positive feedback.
@blisshifi I agree about contacting the seller. For high dollar purchases from a stranger, a phone call goes a long way to giving you a "warm fuzzy" about the deal. Too bad Agon frowns upon that.  
Beware of scam listings - users now have positive feedback.
I'm not certain, but I thought if you clicked on "buy it now" and didn't follow through, the seller could leave you negative feedback. At least that's how I thought it had worked in the past.      
What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?
I agree with Spencer. I've had low to high efficiency speakers and all have had their strengths and weaknesses. All could be made to sound good with matching equipment. That said, I usually come down in the high efficiency camp since I like mid to... 
Time to upgrade the pre-amp.
I am of the mind that if a system is passive friendly, and I think that the OPs, like mine is, then a very good passive linestage is hard to beat. I have plenty of gain from both digital and analog sources. I understand that an analog front end ca... 
Which component to upgrade 1st ?
The node is definitely the weak link. I replaced mine with a U-1 mini and it was a nice upgrade. Both were using an outboard DAC. Instead of opting for the T-2, I suggest bringing in the U2-mini and a good NOS DAC of your choice.  
Time to upgrade the pre-amp.
With the input sensitivity and gain of the Art amp, why do you think you need something with so much gain? You are only throwing it away.   Edit, I just saw @verdantaudio addressed this issue already.        
Toolshed Amps 300b Stereo Amp
I'm sure things will only improve as you rack up the hours. Enjoy!      
Soundsmith Strain Gauge
You'd better ask someone else, MC is long gone. Post a thread in the analog or miscellaneous forum.      
Owning Up To It
@tunehead  Hagar in AC/DC? You confusing this show with another very popular band?  
Toolshed Amps 300b Stereo Amp
Congrats, she’s a beauty…..  
To all of the Wilson Audio owners:
I had the original Sophias briefly. I brought them in to compare against Piega P10s and Green Mountain Audio C3s, both of which I enjoyed more than the Wilsons. It's not that they were bad, they did many things very well. But it was more hi-fi tha... 
Mhdt Istanbul....not all the others from Mhdt.....lets discover the Istanbul (the Book)
I have owned an MHDT Havana and a Pagoda (modified by original owner) and both were excellent DACs. I would not hesitate to buy another MHDT product.