

Responses from nrenter

The Economy.. will hi end audio mfgs lower prices?
What scares me most is the basic lack of economics or business savvy espoused in this thread.The original poster asked, "Will there be a shake-out in high end audio? Will we continue to see $10k preamps and $30k amps?" The answer in short is, "Yes... 
Small sub
I'll back up what Cruz123 has to say...I have (2) ML Dynamos in my system and love them. They have a variable crossover point down to 30 Hz and can be run at speaker-level. I definately agree that these are not "HT Subs", but they work very well f... 
Dodd preamp battery plays 40 minutes
Ummmmm.....Call Gary? 
C-5xe through outboard DAC?
Charles just posed the Ayre MP (Minimum Phase) White Paper . "The Ayre MP filter provides a significant step ahead in digital audio reproduction. The CX-7eMP provides this advanced technology for CDs, while the C-5xeMP universal disc player takes ... 
First Trip outside of Best Buy, a real newbie.
Listen to "systems" in your budget. Take your time, nail down your budget, and be careful with the advice you receive. I don't know if I subscribe to hard-and-fast percentage allocations. I think my system is balanced, and I didn't allocate anywhe... 
Breaking In New Speakers...
While I'm a huge fan of Ayre products, I have not used their IBE CD. I do have the IsoTek System Enhancement CD and swear by it. There are products that you'd like to try / use but don't know if you'll use it enough to justify the costs - the IsoT... 
Do I need a record cleaning machine
I built my RCM out of an old Pioneer PL-A25 table, some tubing, and a shop vac. It's the best "upgrade" I've done to my analog setup, period. Make sure you get a bottle of the MFSL Plus fluid, too.IMHO, some sort of wet cleaning process (preferabl... 
CD's you bring for auditioning
Ok...I really use the following tracks to audition systems (notice I didn't not say "components"):Track 1 - “Quick Rejuvenation” from the IsoTek Full System Enhancer & Rejuvenation Disc – I swear by this CD to break-in and warm-up a system. If... 
Vinyl in Dallas
I'll add onto what other have said...If you only have time to seek out one spot, go to Forever Young. It's by far the most organzied and interesting record store in the metroplex.I'm a big fan of Half Price Books (and I make a weekly or bi-weekly ... 
Cheap SS phonostage
Having owned a Rotel 970, I really didn't think it was that diffucult to best it without spending much more money (like a Musical Fidelity x-lps - *way* better in every aspect). I would rather risk buying the Soundsmith $199 phono stage unheard th... 
CD's you bring for auditioning
I just bring a CD with an approximated impulse response. I can do the Fourier transformation in my head. If I want to understand the effect of the room, I bring a 5-second glide tone.Between these 2 tracks, I have a pretty good understanding of wh... 
Amp recommendation: Cary SS vs. McCormack vs. Ayre
Even though the Ayre V-3 is out of production, Charles and Co. will still support you if you ever have any issues. Plus, if you have an older version of the V-3, I believe Ayre can upgrade it for you to the latest version of the V-3. Give Michael ... 
Integrated for Green Mountain - Classe, Bel Canto
If you are letting your subs get in the way of buying a Ayre...you need to sell your subs and buy a sub (or subs) that you can run at speaker level. Simple as that. You may think I'm kidding...I'm not. 
McCormack SMC Audio upgrades: how good are they?
The details of the upgrade are out on Steve's website. I have no idea if the changes will be beneficial (or even noticable) to you. However, if you like you DNA-125 Gold, and want to build on those strengths, an additional $1000-ish (I'm guessing ... 
How do you break in a preamp
I use the IsoTek System enhancer CD to break in all new electronic devices and cables (and to warm things up after a long break). IMHO, it was money well spent.