

Responses from nrenter

Upgrading Music Hall 2.2 tone arm.
Don't waste your time or money. Try another table. 
Audio Electronic Supply AES/Cary AE3 MkII preamp
I had the AES AE-3 DJH + AES Sixpacs for a while and loved that combo. However, I've never heard the AE3 mk II.You may want to give Kevin Deal a call at Upscale Audio and talk to him. He'll give you the scoop. That's where I ordered all my AES gear. 
phono pre amp giant killer?
Sorry, Andy. You're going to have to spend more than $350 for "truly top flight performance".Currently, there is a Musical Fidelity X-LP + X-PSUv3 on the 'gon for $450 and a Musical Fidelity X-LPS v8 for $325. Both would be good placed to start wi... 
AES 6 pacs Speaker choice?
If you're willing to treat your room with acoustic panels, you may be able to make a pair of Vandersteen 2ce Sig II's work. This speaker will not meet your "wood" requirement.I have used the AES AE-3 DJH and a pair of Sixpacs with a pair of B&... 
Coldplay on Quad 988
IMHO...First of all, Coldplay recordings are not as great as they should be.Second, I think your initial post provides more insight than you thought - When the music is right they sound excellent. What other rock do you listen to on your Quads tha... 
best value - record cleaning machine
If you have the motivation to do so, I'd recommend building yourself one out of a ShopVac and an old turntable. Get yourself some Disk Doctor pads and brushes, and a quart of the MFSL Plus cleaning fluid. I can honestly say this project provided t... 
Tube Amp for Green Mountain Audio Callisto
Wow...sorry for another post.Sixpacs are on sale at MusicDirect.com for $1,750.00 
inexpensive preamp for Ayre V3 with Green Mountain
If you don't have the Isotek System Enhancement CD, I recommend you pick it up and let it work on your system for a few days. Then use it to "warm up" your system before listening (using the 5-minute track). A must have. 
Tube Amp for Green Mountain Audio Callisto
In my fantasy world where I have a system in each and every room of my house, one system would contain a fully tricked-out Cary SLP-98P and a custom set of Sixpacs painted to compltely match the pre-amp. I think that would be a cool setup.One more... 
Tube Amp for Green Mountain Audio Callisto
I would make sure whatever amps you choose have a "zero-negative feedback" option or are simply "zero-negative feedback" amps. Roy's design is both time and phase-aligned, so, personally, I'd only put hardware in front of my Callistos that also ma... 
Record Cleaning brushes - experimentation?
No apology necessary. I ran out and purchased an Evercare brush right after it was first recommended on the forum (a while back). However, my first test was to swirl it dry on a blank side of an LP. The brush left swirl marks in the vinyl, so I fe... 
Ayre amplifier to Subwoofer connections
the sub leads should ideally be connected at the amp end of the speaker cables, not at the speaker end. That way the current drawn through those cables by the main speakers, and any consequent voltage drops that might result from interaction of th... 
Record Cleaning brushes - experimentation?
I tested [the Evercare microfiber lint brush] many times on old vinyl and virgin vinyl without any scratching issues.I've tested it, too, and it *did* scratch the blank test LP I used. YMMV. Buyer beware. 
I seek your guidance - re turntable
Call up Kevin at KAB and get a Technics SL-1200. Then choose between an AT 440MLa / 150 MLX, or Ortofon 2M Blue / Bronze. Spend the rest of your budget on a MintLP protractor to ensure proper alignment, and record cleaning supplies (DiscDoc brushe... 
inexpensive preamp for Ayre V3 with Green Mountain
Hey! That's my system! :) Thanks, Rufipennis.The AX-7e is great. I would recommened finding a AX-7e, or negotiating a great deal on an AX-7 then sending it back to Ayre for a check-up and the upgrade. It sounds soooo nice with the GMA Callistos.As...