

Responses from nrenter

Technics SL1200: standard overhang gauge or MintLP
I hear you, Mark. The point I'm trying to make is that, just like everything else in this hobby, there is a a point of diminishing returns from the dollar spent. And I believe a bit of understanding can not only yield great satisfaction in terms o... 
Best high end monitors?
Here's another speaker for your consideration:Green Mountain Audio Eos or Eos HD.I have not heard the Eos or Eos HD, but I own the GMA Callisos and Roy Johnson (GMA founder and designer) says they best the Callisto in every way. While I find that ... 
Technics SL1200: standard overhang gauge or MintLP
I'll come out and say it:I hate the Turntable Basics protractor.I wouldn't say the Turntable Basics protractor is *inaccurate*, but it is not very *precise*. Set up your geometry using the Turntable Basics protractor, and everything will appear al... 
Rogue M-120 and M-150
I agree with Eldarado, as we've both listened to the same system. The M150s are not the same animal as the M120s. If you liked what you heard with the M150s you will be dissapointed with the M120s. 
$ 2500 ....Stay with Vandersteens ??...what else ?
I'd check out a KAB Technics SL1200 over the Rega, but that's a topic for another thread.But back to your orignal topic...IMHO the Vandersteen 2ce Sig II speakers are *the* biggest speaker bang for the buck. They were on my short list, but my room... 
speaker cables for callisto speakers
One other thing to consider...If you are not regularly exercising your system with the Isotek Full System Enhancer & Rejuvenation CD, you are leaving a lot on the table. I let this thing run on my system whenever possible (overnight, while I t... 
Better speakers than Von Schweiker VR4jr under 3k
Vandersteen 2ce Sig II's 
GMA callisto vs vmps rm 30
I was chatting with a friend about this...he brought up a couple of things - perhaps either your preamp (or the tubes in it) is lame-sounding and/or your amplifier has no 'guts' into these 4-to-5 Ohm speakers. While I personally think your McCorma... 
GMA callisto vs vmps rm 30
The rest of your system seems solid. However, I still stand by my statement that I would not buy another pair of speakers without directly comparing my Callistos (and stands) to their possible replacements. I was cranking "The Black Parade" last n... 
GMA callisto vs vmps rm 30
Do you currently own a pair of Callistos?Assuming you own the Callistos, are you running a pair of powered subs?Are what are the rest of the components in your system?After owning a pair of Callistos, I would not buy another pair of speakers witho... 
Teres Verus Rim Drive Motor with Pro-ject RM10
I just ordered 25 EPDM O-Rings and 10 Silicone O-Rings from McMaster-Carr. Since I only need 1 of each for my tweaking, I will have *plenty* left over. If anyone needs another O-Ring for your Verus, send me a SASE and I'll drop one in the mail. 
What is your dream turntable?
My Teres is my dream table. Anything else would be for bragging rights, and little else (IMHO). 
Teres Verus Rim Drive Motor with Pro-ject RM10
Actually, Doug just liked to refer to himself in first person plural. Personally, I think it's becasue he's got the "Verizon Network" behind him. 
Teres Composite Platter, etc.
Best of luck!!! I loved the 200 series products. I'm glad I got mine when I could (even if it only has the solid-acrylic platter).Has anyone tried a Boston Audio Design 3mm graphite mat on a solid acrylic platter? Could it be a worthwhile $200 tweak? 
Turntable--Cartridge for the Rogue Audio Cronus
For that budget, I'd recommend a KAB Technics SL-1200MK5SE ($535.00), maybe the Tonearm Fluid Damper ($149.00), and a Audio-Technica 440MLa Cartridge ($199.00) or Audio-Technica 150 MLX Cartridge ($399.00), a MintLP alignment protractor ($110.00),...