

Responses from nrenter

Jolida JD-100 vs. Ayre CX-7E
The Ayre CX-7e is an amazing Redbook player. However, I'm not convinved it's the right player for you. I say this only becasue I used to own a very similar configuration as you (RSP-1066, RMB-1095, N805s). The RSP-1066 is not particularly transpar... 
RB1080 for 803D?
...or, you could spit that $10k 60/40 (allocating either side to speakers, the rest to the amp) and crush both of your scenarios.Believe what you want. Trust me, I understand your stance, as I once believed it myself. I was wrong. 
RB1080 for 803D?
The speakers are 90% of the equation.Hmmmm...I'd have to respectfully disagree. While I can't offer any specific advice (since I have no idea what comprises the rest of your system, nor what you are trying to accomplish other than spend money), I ... 
Analog Noob: I have a few questions
For that budget, I'd recommend a KAB Technics SL-1200MK5SE ($535.00), a Audio-Technica 440MLa Cartridge ($199.00), some Disc Doctor supplies (around $100) and a KAB EV-1 Cleaner ($159.00).And just incase you missed this piece of advice from Newbee... 
What integrated beats AES Sixpacs? Budget $3500
I don't know if this will "beat" a pair of Sixpacs (with an unspecified pre-amp), but I went from a pair of Sixpacs & AES AE-3 DJH to an Ayre AX-7e and am *very* happy. However, my priorities may not be the same as yours (see my system descrip... 
What cartridges under $800 outperform DL-103R?
Great thread! I'm interested in reading the responses. I personally have a stock 103-R, and am wondering the same thing as you. In the upper end of your price range, you may also want to consider the Sound Smith Adia and the Sound Smith Nude 103R ... 
Antiskating .... The last analog secret
Hey, Doug. It's me again. :)I would definately agree that calibration with a blank surface is never precisely correct. However, I would presume it's a very easy way to set an initial anti-skate (assuming you have a tonearm that allows you to set a... 
10 Levels of Turntable Mastery
Thanks, Bob! I think this will help foster the discussion. 
AES Six Pacs
I loved my SixPacs. I agree with Jalapenos regarding the upgrades. I'm interested in how the AE-3 MKII preamp performs. I had the AE-3 DJH and really liked it. I wanted to replace some caps in it, but overall thought it was a great piece of equipm... 
Felt Mats or ???
Send me a PM with your contact info and I'll e-mail you an arc protractor template for a 241.3 mm (9.5 inch) effective length tonearm. 
Felt Mats or ???
With the MMF-5, go with whatever is cheap and sounds best for you. Don't try to spend too much money tweaking the Music Hall (this is coming from a former Music Hall MMF-5 owner). I'd bet the cork will sound better.You'd probably be better off 1) ... 
Felt Mats or ???
I'd really like to try the Mat-2 (5 mm thick) but I don't think my threaded spindle would support that thick of a mat. 3 mm is probably doable based on my tests. Perhaps I'll have to stack some old, unloved LPs and test later tonight.The Mat-1 wil... 
Felt Mats or ???
I would take a slightly different spin on Mr. Deacon's view.Some tables are designed for close coupling of LP to platter *interface*. I don't think the use of the Boston Audio Desgin Mat-1 would prclude the tight coupling of the LP to the mat and ... 
truth about subs?
As a wise man once said: "Only time will tell if we stand the test of time."And when in doubt, wear a jacket. If you don't agree with me, you probably wern't thinking the same thing as I, and that's not my fault. 
what to buy? so confused.
Sounds like you need to slow down and do more listening. You can get recommendations for amps / pre-amps / sources / cables / etc. all day long, but we still don't know what you're trying to fix, so the recommendations may not be all that helpful....