

Responses from nrenter

Cartridge Setup w/Geodisc by MoFi
No flack...it's just that once you stop being intimitated by table setup, you'll have greater satisfaction with the medium.Again...just my opinion. 
Cartridge Setup w/Geodisc by MoFi
IMHO, you'd be better off learning to do it yourself. I once paid much more than that to get my table set up, and in retrospect, it was money wasted. If your "local stereo store" says they've set your VTA / VTF to their optimum values, how do you ... 
How to add a subwoofer to my system?
Find a sub with speaker-level inputs and tap the sub off of your speaker binding posts (either from your amp or from one of your speakers). 
B&W 803S Speakers
I don't think the 805s would *require* a subwoofer in a 12' x 14' room. However, it depends on what you like. If you do choose to try a subwoofer (ideally a pair - yes, I know it sounds overkill) make sure that you can roll it off at 30 Hz or less... 
Cartridge Setup w/Geodisc by MoFi
PM me and I'll e-mail you an arc protractor for a tonearm with a 239 mm effective length. Verify that your Pivot-to-Spindle distance can be adjusted to 221.68 mm (if it's not already at that distance). Print it out on an overhead transparancy, buy... 
Antiskating .... The last analog secret
Good thread, all. Good thread. 
Antiskating .... The last analog secret
There is a good summary post out on AudioAsylum by Rob Doorack on October 26, 2007:Jonathan Carr, the auteur behind the Lyra line, once wrote that he tried to design an arm that varied AS compensation as the arm arced across the record; he abandon... 
Help Me Justify Recent MMF7 purchase
I'll back up what Rnm4 has to say. Your question is only good for one thing - Continual dissatisfaction with your system. Be excited that you bought a new toy and you got a (presumably) good deal on a quality, good condition component. Spend time ... 
b&w 685: heard 'em, liked 'em, but wondering
If you are willing to buy used, here are a couple speakers to consider: - Green Mountain Audio Europa - Vandersteen 2ce or 2ce Signature (the sigs will be tough to find in your price range)And you may also want to investigate Trianglezerius' sugge... 
How much better is rega rb1000 over rb700?
I think Nigel Tufnel and Marty DiBergi had a discussion about this very topic:Nigel Tufnel: Well, it's three-hundred better isn't it? It's not the RB700. You see, most blokes, you know, will be playing with their RB700. Where can you go from there... 
On or off question...
I leave my system on 24 / 7. 
KAB 1200 vs. everything else.
I could see a fully modded Technics SL-12xx making it very difficult to see significant performance gains until you reach the $4,500 to $5,000 price range. Granted, this is just conjecture on my part, but I feel there is a big price / performance ... 
10 Levels of Turntable Mastery
I think I'm a solid 5 on my scale, just starting to explore TML 6. 
Worth refurbishing an old Nitty Gritty 1.0?
50 bucks? Sure. I'd do it. 
10 Levels of Turntable Mastery
Thanks to all who have added to this disucssion (and, I guess, thanks to those who typed enough to see their name posted within this thread). Here’s some of my thoughts - they are a bit loose, but hopefully it will add to the discussion.TML 0: Dig...