

Responses from nrenter

Cary SLI-80 integrated or AES Sixpacs?
If you're considering purchasing new, give Kevin Deal a call at Upscale Audio. Kevin can also with tube selection to bring out the best of either the Cary or the AES. I purchased my Six Pacs from Kevin, and if I was in the market for another set, ... 
Teres audio
I don't think Chris is selling just platters anymore. If you find out differently, let me know. 
What do you see as the downside of tubes?
I'll quote from my virtual system:...I wanted to go back to solid state. I've had tubes for years and loved them. I mean really loved them. However, there are compromises I'm willing to make because 1) I want something I can leave on 24x7, 2) I ne... 
Another "Which Bookshelf Speakers to Get" Thread
Well...here are a couple of other options.If you can stretch your budget a bit, consider a used pair of Green Mountain Audio Europa or Europa Max speakers.Another option would be to DIY. Check out the offerings by GR Research (www.gr-research.com)... 
Need to finally replace my 8TC, but with what?
PS Audio XStream cables are a killer deal - especially if you can get them cryo'ed by someone like Lee @ cryo-parts.com. Lee cryo'ed some PS Audio XStream interconnects and took them from "exceptional for the price" to "flat out amazing". I think ... 
Vinyl beginner frustrations Azimuth and VTA
You could use this protractor generator from Conrad Hoffman:http://www.conradhoffman.com/chsw.htmI find it produces a far better tool than the TB protractor. YMMV. 
Clueless Analog Newbie, Looking to Buy
You own a Teres turntable, an Origin Live Silver tonearm and a Denon DL103 cartridge. A pretty sizable investment.And it took me 10 years, 4 companies and and MBA to get there. I like nice things, and I'm not going to apologize for that. Do I need... 
Would you pay to audition speakers
It's only a "waste of time" of the salesman if there is an opportunity cost associated with me auditioning in a B&M store. The store is open. It is staffed. If one is not interfering with a revenue or goodwill generating activity, then there i... 
Clueless Analog Newbie, Looking to Buy
Tvad, you are absolutely right...he should buy a $161.78 turntable, purchase LP's that cost less than $40, and stay away from the equipment snobs on Audiogon. Problem solved.I'm glad we could end this thread with an agreement. 
Clueless Analog Newbie, Looking to Buy
Sounds like all your father's advice on the subject has done is delayed your enjoyment ( or perhaps dissatisfaction ) of an analog front end. Is he willing to pony up some cash to get you an "acceptable" table?Quite frankly, when I was your age, I... 
Clueless Analog Newbie, Looking to Buy
I know...I know...Some people make this far more complicated than it really needs to be. 
Clueless Analog Newbie, Looking to Buy
Go out to Amazon and get a Audio-Technica AT-PL120 turntable for about $175, order a Audio-Technica AT440MLa from LPGear.com for about $120 and have a respectable setup for less than $400. For now, you will be more than happy with this set up.Anal... 
Upgrade Path
What does your room / setup look like? IMHO your room has more impact then you'd like to believe. 
New member w a Cleaning Question
I read this thread while using my DIY RCM, and find the following point so important that I'd reiterate it - the quality of extraction during the cleaning process is (probably) even more important than the solvent used for cleaning.First, until I ... 
Need a good center for new 805S
My advice would be to not use a center speaker. Unless you are using a projector w/ a large screen, IMHO a center speaker is not necessary. Others may (will) disagree.