

Responses from nrenter

XLR waste of time ?
JJ25,Keep us posted with what you learn. However, you do realize that your experement does not isolate your cable design as the only variable (which means your test will prove nothing). If you don't understand why, either you have not read the abo... 
XLR waste of time ?
Atmasphere,You gloss over many things that are not obvious (or intuitive) to the casual reader. I'm not restating to tell *you* anything you do not already know - just want to make sure everyone following understands the differences (subtle, yet v... 
what to expect with new preamp breaking in?
Get yourself the ISOTek System Enhancer CD, run it through your pre-amp for a week, and consider your question answered. 
XLR waste of time ?
If set up balanced, the ground wire becomes the shield of the interconnect and the plus and minus outputs of the cartridge travel inside that shield. The result is that the cable is more impervious to noise and you can run it a longer distance, es... 
XLR waste of time ?
The main issue is that your Moon LP3 does not accept a balanced signal, and does not output a balanced signal to your pre-amp. If your phono stage was fully-balanced, and your tonearm cable was fully-balanced, then it would be advantageous to used... 
That last micro cartridge adjustment
If your description of this issue is correct, it sounds like your assumed pivot-to-spindle distance is off. 
Speakers for Rock Music
Even the N804's are generally more than $2k used. However, if you're now considering that price range (and you want to stay in the B&W family), you may want to think about the N805's + a REL sub (or 2). I used to own this combo and always like... 
Speakers for a 12 x 13 room
I haven't added treatments up-high primarily for aesthetic reasons. However, I have no doubt they would have a positive impact. While my room sounds good in the seated (listening) position, it's unbearable in the standing position (where your ear ... 
Speakers for a 12 x 13 room
In that small of a room, you have far more things to consider than just bass nodes:1. You'll need more acoustic treatments than just bass traps. Consider some serious absorption behind your listening position, and at the first reflection points on... 
Speakers for Rock Music
Whenever these "Speakers for Rock Music" threads pop up, I always wonder how many of the contributors actually critically listen to rock music? Rock isn't just about "Turn it up, man! Freeeeeebird!" and bangin' yer head. There can be far more nuan... 
Good SS Amp for Vandies 2 Ce
What is it about your Belles that you don't like? Change doesn't necessarily mean you're gonna like the change, no matter how much hope you have. 
Whats the best $1500 tonearm for a Teres
You may never want (or need) anything more than the Origin Live Illustrious III. Be excited about it, and enjoy it! 
Why do speakers recommend amp wattage?
Duh. The more Watts listed on a speaker, the louder it is. That's why I only buy White Van speakers. They are always, like, 250 Watts and really rock the house. Way better than that Bose crap. 
Pioneer CS-99a Speakers
Well, I bought a pair and I'm having the crossovers recapped by Circle Stereo in Austin (same place that is restoring the 1250). Can't wait to rock the house. 
Beatles Box Sets Update
Here's what Amazon just sent me...Hello from Amazon.com,Our records indicate you purchased a Beatles Mono Box Set, and we wanted to update you on its availability.This new information will not affect your pre-order--if you pre-ordered a mono box s...