
Responses from ngjockey

Why Don't We See More High Current Electronics?
Not sure how this thread deteriorated into a philosophical argument. Typical example of the audiophile niche market."High current" has faded as marketing buzz word. That's all. Still continues as a design philosophy. Don't make me name names. Doub... 
220 in, 110 out
How many watts/VA? Recommend at least double the capacity on the transformer as the equipment draw for audio. Standard US wall outlet is 1800 watts or 1.8 KVA.Avoid cheap "converters". Weight/VA is a good indicator of quality.Must be rated for 50 ... 
Power line question
Considering that both the M120's and the 250W Apollo's also have 5A fuses, I wouldn't consider that an accurate draw.Do you really need a dishwasher? Ever considered a portable dishwasher? Frees up a dedicated 20A circuit... More cupboard space...... 
Sonic Frontiers Power 2 bridged
There is another option. Instead of bridging, there is paralleling. Essentially, just jumper the inputs together with a xlr or rca splitter and the jumper the outputs (L+ to R+ and L- to R-). This will double the watts and be better for low impeda... 
For 75-85 dB a few watts are enough so ...
Because we're trying to reproduce music, not just sound.This is an bizarre concept to most of us, but work is the function of energy over time and when there is little time to do a lot of work, it takes a lot of energy. 
Volume problem with Passive Preamp
What's the Vout of the source? What's the gain of the amp? Are either adjustable? 
Line Array Speaker vs Point Source Speaker
Line arrays have dynamics across the band. A dozen bass/mid drivers that go down to 40Hz each still only go down to 40Hz but they can do it really well. Might seem silly to add subs to such large speakers but haven't seen an Incredarray in a while... 
Wiring an Isolation Transformer
Don't see any advantage of the xformer for the video switcher, which is essentially just relays. Wouldn't even try the amp on it, as much for the way it draws (half cycle cap recharging), combined with the capacity. TV is a noise source and one of... 
Wiring an Isolation Transformer
Math is correct. 80% would be 720W.Apple TV - reports from 20 to 48WDIP - negligible 6WVide switcher/Tivo ??? My HD tuner/PVR is rated for 4A max (480W) and it can get warm.Pre/DAC ??? examples: Plinius M8 - 20W, ARC LS17 - 50W, SFL2 -135WPutting ... 
Wiring an Isolation Transformer
LOLHaven't worked on a Topaz 120/240, but that looks right. Check it with a meter. You can get GFCI cords. 
Wiring an Isolation Transformer
Check the print on the back of the units or the manuals for the equipment's maximum amp draw.V (voltage) times A (amps) = VA = wattsRule of thumb for audio is that xformer should be at least double the combined draw. 80% is the "industrial" rule.A... 
Wiring an Isolation Transformer
Ok, maybe GFCI is required. Up here, it's CSA instead of NEC and, technically, there is no CSA provision for balanced AC. 
Wiring an Isolation Transformer ??Yes, balanced output means derating by half. Whether the tranny will be agreeable (relatively cool and quiet) to 120V in/balanced out is always a mystery until it's tried. I've had one wh... 
Transformer--Subpanel Wiring
To give you an idea of the running cost.On my 5KVA, in sequence of testing tonight...With amps in A mode, no music playingprimary (240V) 3.3-3.5A, secondary (120V) 6.3-6.7A (approx 95% eff)With amps in A/B mode, no music playingprimary 0.9A , seco... 
Transformer--Subpanel Wiring
Jim, agreed.In my setup with 2 Plinius SA100 and the transformer derated by half for the center tap...(2 X 500W) / 2500 VA = 40%Don't know the max draw on Iabirder's amps but if they're A/B, it could be much more and a different characteristic.BTW...