
Responses from ngjockey

What does one purchase after owning horns?
Rest in pieces.Recently saw one of my first projects, from almost 30 years ago, sitting busted and scavenged in the back of a theatre. Almost nothing left except the outer boxes and framework. 8' tall, 4' wide and 4' deep of seashell-like curved a... 
What is your source for discovering new music?
Cable/satellite stations. Free with my cable package. 
DIY. Whose speakers would you use?
Oh, I get it. You want to know what WE would like. For sheer dynamics and compatibility with low powered tube amps, I'm tempted by the Zalytron, Selah and Occam line arrays. For less cost, size and something more conventional, the Selahs with the ... 
DIY. Whose speakers would you use?
Found some more. With the exception of Visaton (German driver mfr) virtually no 3-way. Some interesting line arrays. No clue of your goals and budget. American distributor? 
DIY. Whose speakers would you use?
If I were starting from scratch and considering 3-way, I would be looking at digital/computer crossovers with multi amps. Even an inexpensive Behringer 24/96 can be upgraded later. Perhaps even translate developed active crossover to passive to re... 
Can I swap a Stepped Attenuator for a Potentiomer?
When I did this years ago, the choice was 10Kohm or DIY. Customized my own, soldering each tiny resistor, to replace a 250Kohm pot and what a PITA but what a difference. Did it again for another biamp project because I just wasn't happy with pots.... 
Soundstage, Imaging, Detail & Presence??
In many recordings, those terms are artificial and imaginary. In some good live recordings, a bit less so. It's not that multi-microphone, multi-track can't recreate an audience perspective, but it's recreated. "Don't look behind the curtain". Ste... 
Isolation Transformer or Power Regenerator
For example... 
Bass Trap help
Even DIY sealed membrane traps, using 1/4" hardboard as the membrane would have to be at least 4'X4' or 4'X6' to be effective for 63 Hz. 
Isolation Transformer or Power Regenerator
Yes, that's a good thing. 20 in, 20 out. You're 900VA should have a 7.5A fuse protecting it from overload.Always recommended at least double the capacity on the iso as the maximum draw. Haven't I said that before? Particularly for class AB amps.No... 
Isolation Transformer or Power Regenerator
2.5 KVA / 120V = 20.8AWhat a coincidink! 
Isolation Transformer or Power Regenerator
Not going to argue with success. Go bigger. However, might be more hum and certainly more power draw. 
Why Don't We See More High Current Electronics?
@Unsound... That's because I've been laid up and bored to tears after knee arthroscopy. 
Why Don't We See More High Current Electronics?
Assumed you had some kind of passive. The 400 ohm Zout of the Cary should not be a concern even for an amp with 10Kohm Zin.The 3.5 ohm minimum (4.25 - ultimateavmag) of the speakers isn't that critical either, unless it's coincides with a big phas... 
Why Don't We See More High Current Electronics?
Looking down the list for my interpretation of your electronic/price/weight criteria:Sale pending: BAT VK500 (105 lbs), Threshold S500Used: Belles 350A ReferenceNew: W4S ST-1000