
Responses from ngjockey

Simultaneous XLR & RCA outputs = bad?
Something I read once, don't ask me where, mentioned that screws with the CMMR. 
About synergy?
I'm really starting to hate that term, "synergy" as applied to audio. Misused subjectively. Prefer compatible and/or complimentary. 
How many dedicated lines are enough?
I just have the one. It's a 40A, 240V that's split up through a subpanel and most often fed through step-down transformers. 
Actually difference between class A and AB?
With a Plinius, which can be switched from A to A/B, A sounds more natural. Can't identify what crossover distortion sounds like because my ears are just not trained and tuned for that and most distortions tend to sound like any other frequency an... 
Help Me Build a Second System For Less than $10000
Put the "magic fingers" subwoofer under the bed.Monitors? Minis? Floorstanders? 
Tri-amping 3.6R's; what amp for the ribbons?
There's a Monarchy SM70 listed for $400 (no relation). Wouldn't hurt too much to try.Frankly, wrong speakers for the application if you want "farting" level SPL's. Staying dipole/planar, there's Genesis and VMPS (RM60/sub, Supertowers) for that an... 
Can a "pushed in" dome tweeter + midrange be savev
Sometimes, just warming them up with a hair dryer helps. 
bridged mode vs stereo
No. Give us an example. 
Buying used or sight unseen speakers a bad idea?
It's a risk but, as in my case, when you can buy a rare set of speakers, that would never show up locally, and were less than 10 years old, for a small fraction of the retail... it can be worth the risk.Shipping is the problem. Just because they h... 
Speakers that are RAP music proof
In order of age...PSB Stratus Gold's, Hales R3's, Infinity K7's/K8's. 
6 channel volume controller?
Not all that convinced that FIR is inherently better than IIR, espescially at lower frequencies, but mostly due to pre/post ringing. More interested by digital Bessel filters.If you just want a digital I/O xover, look at Xilica, which is one of th... 
6 channel volume controller?
Bent Audio Modular.Although a simple stereo volume control in front of a analog or digital crossover should be adequate since most crossovers allow gain/attenuation of individual or paired channels. 
Preamp for Plinius SA-103
The Plinius is high gain (32-38), espescially when using XLR inputs or when bridged. That's one reason I chose it along with a passive TVC line stage and compatible source (good Vout/low Zout/ direct coupled). An active preamp with 20 dB gain woul... 
Details for bi-amping
Magfan is right. If you're dealing with a 2-way with a 2K crossover we could have saved a lot of time and called you nuts to begin with. On the other hand, if you're talking about an Infinity Kappa9, that's another kettle of fish. 
Details for bi-amping
Parts Express carries the Harrison Labs fixed inline attenuators in 3, 6 and 12 dB versions. Right now, your guess is as good as mine which you might require but you only need them for the amp with higher gain. My experience would advise to stay a...