
Responses from newbee

Acoustic Research AR9LS owners? Just for thought
FWIW, I believe when the AR's came out 'depth of imaging' was something hi-fi enthusiasts didn't have in their sights yet. That came a few years later with Harry Pearsons focus of 'sound staging' including things like depth of image and air, etc. ... 
PrimaLuna ProLogue Two - mixing tubes?
According to Kevin at Upscale and the PL ads you can use most any tube in combo and the auto bias circuit will make the necessary bias adjustments. BUT he doesn't say it will sound good! Just that it can work. I don't have a PL 2. Just a PL1`, PL3... 
cayinA100 T tube amp
It is easy to change the amp's tone by making changes in the power tubes and the small tubes if what you want is a different tone. I did. You can start with different KT88's or 6550's. But you've got to have a goal in mind.You can increase clarity... 
a good pre to end them all ? PL 3 or wyred stp se?
FWIW, as I do not own PL7's. I have a PL3 and a PL5. The PL 5 without the PL3 in front of it is enimic. With it it has credible bass, if not amazing. You can read about this in the 6moons review. Other preamps used were ARC SP10, Magus A2, and EAR... 
What time do you wear?
Bought a Damasko D37. Not a dress watch for sure but a great tool watch. Actually its dial has a creme cast to it in most light and with a reddish leather strap to contrast the grey bead blast case it can pass for a sports watch. It is highly legi... 
Genelex Gold Lion KT-88 reissued tubes
Frank, I haven't heard the Gold Lion re-issues, but I have and use both the SED 6550's and the Tungsol reissue 6550's. In my amps the 6550's are neutral, linear, rugged, and clear toned tube which are not overly extended. They don't favor any part... 
Music that really stirs your emotions
Most anything sung by Eva Cassidy, but especially 'Over the Rainbow' and due to my ancestry perhaps, 'Danny Boy'. The former reminds me of a full grown woman with real desires, unlike Judy with a soft youthful fantasy. She grabs you right in the b... 
Suggestion for Brahms
Some Brahms orchestral recordings on CD that I'm partial to are: 1) The four symphonies by Mackerras on Telarc with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra. Warm but less dense than regular full blown orchestral versions. 2)Piano Concerto #1 by Zimerman &a... 
Gold Lions KT88 on Sonic Frontiers Power SE
Tube bias should remain stable but I'm not too quick to blame the tubes IF all of the tubes in the R channel need to be re-adjusted. Try switching the right channel tubes to the left side and see if they are unstable there. But, FWIW, it could be ... 
Can I use EL34 tubes on KT88 amps?
Don't be surprised if you don't get a response. Manufacturers in general are VERY poor at responding to E-Mail. I noted in Stereophile an ad for Melody products which are apparently being re-introduced to USA. Try calling the new dealer/distributo... 
Schubert Impromptus
You are in luck. There is no shortage of excellent performances of these works.I would recommend Maria Joao Pires recording on DG. I think these will meet your expectations. I know you didn't ask, but FWIW, assuming that you are new to Schubert's ... 
What do you currently own as loudspeakers?
Just a WAG but you may just be hearing the death rattle of a frustrated speaker manufacturer who is having a hard time finding a market for his speakers. No one in his right mind pisses on his potential market base even if he laughs and calls it r... 
Does anyone know someone who can modify Mesa Baron
FWIW, I've had one of those puppies since they first came out. The amp has great potential but is really system dependent (as is most everything!). Out of the box I think many will find it a bit bright - the critics did for sure, but in an otherwi... 
Recommended Shostakovich?
I also like the Kitajenko set of symphonies as well as the Haitink set. FWIW, as a recommendation for an excellent recording, as well as two symphonies that don't attract much attention, I recommend Jesus Lopez-Cobos' performance of the 1st and 15... 
Audio Research SP10 vs ?
Gmuffley, I was vaguely aware of this new Quicksilver unit but so far you are the only user I can find who has commented on it. Can you describe for me how the Quicksilver and the ARC resemble as well as differentiate themselves in your system (an...