
Responses from newbee

Does anyone like vintage speakers?
When did your "golden age" of HiFi occur? I must have missed it. Stuff, old or new, sounds good or not depending of how well it was designed and built in the first place and how well it interfaces with todays equipment. Speaker's have improved gre... 
noise thru tube pre??
Fiddler, I think there is a difference between 2nd order distortion and a 'ringing' caused by tube microphonics overlaying the music. That in minor amounts folks can enjoy an artificial reverb like distortion caused by this ringing I wouldn't deny... 
whats the biggest mistake you made?
Hooper, for the sake of womenhood, stay single! :-) I empathize. 
noise thru tube pre??
Hell, I wouldn't even wink! SS sucks the music right out of the grooves and craps all over it! Hey, Nrchy, did you ever figure out how to bias that tube amp you bought? :-) 
noise thru tube pre??
You've got a microphonic tube. Since you only have one tube, get a new one thats been tested by a dealer for microphonics. Microphonics can effect the sound put out by your pre-amp even if you are not tapping the case. Vibrations come from many so... 
DK Design Group X-Dream - wow
Ellery911, I think there are some folks who have and continue to post about DK products in a manner that will draw critics to accuse DK of (or continuing to) use sockpuppets to promote their products, thereby damaging their business. This just can... 
Why do people write mean things about musicians
You jest! Where did you come up with this concept anyway.What are the "mean things" being said, seperate from the things folks say when just giving their honest opinions and impressions?Recording companies judge artists by sales, or before the art... 
whats the biggest mistake you made?
My biggest mistake was in taking the advise of others about what would make my system sound good!My next biggest mistake was in not taking the advise of others about what would not make it sound good!But its so hard to do this in a vacumm. :-) 
Von Schweikert DB-99 Owners
The the biggest problem folks experience with high efficiency speakers is typically from the noise floor levels of the electronics, especially noise from tubes, and specially noise from tube pre-amps and tube sources. Thats not to say you won't he... 
12AT7 Tubes
Chad, I probably pointed you towared this question from my answer in another post. As I recall (and I do 'think' I'm correct because I was looking at pre-amps at that time already being a SF amps(s) owner. When the first model of the SFL One came ... 
Best tubes for Sonic Frontiers 80
Jefferybehr, The KT99a is a KT90 in disguise. This is the original tube Sonic Frontiers used in the SFS80 and the SFM 160's. It was made by Yugo and relabled by Gold Aero. I found its tone powerful but a bit on the cool side of neutral, even after... 
cartridge on budget table?
Have you worked with the VTA. Improper arm height can make a cartridge sound just as you described. 
Best tubes for Sonic Frontiers 80
Tube types will depend on what tonal qualities you're are looking for and will depend on your ancillary equipment as well as the speakers you are driving. I've used 99A's, KT88's, 6550c's and EL34's. They all sound different. I ultimately chose SE... 
The most emotional amp out there?
I had some of those emotional amps but I had to get rid of them. The tear stains on the front of the amps were just too distracting. Tripper is right on. Get some music that really turns you on. The sound you get from your system is all about syne... 
Ei Gold Elite vs
Dave, I have Elite 12AX7E and the 12AX7EG and some non elite 12AX7's. The EG's and the non-elites appear for all pratical purposes to be identical except for the pins. I can't tell the difference between the non-elites and the EG if they are both ...