
Responses from newbee

Chailly Mahler 9th
FWIW on the subject of DG sonics on LP or CD, I have far more objections to the recording when the performance is by Von Karajan, especially on CD, but some of my LP's from the 70's by VK are as bright and glassy as latter CD's. I think he did a l... 
Chailly Mahler 9th
One of nine isn't bad, in Mahler. I was surprised and like it a lot more than I thought I would and the recording is excellent. I have his others as well but they won't get much replay. I agree with Megasam regarding the live 1979 Bernstein/BPO pe... 
Cats and audiophiles
Got a big male Maine Coon. Loves to watch TV, but sleeps thru music. His idea of fun is to ride the turntable. Not my idea of fun! :-( 
Rachmaninov for beginners
Marco, There are actually 2 CD's, the first you described is Rachmaninoff playing Rachmaninoff. The second CD is Rachmaninoff performing others works. The playing may not be as good as the original (in other recordings I have by Rachmaninoff) but ... 
Rachmaninov for beginners
Others have recommended Rach's Piano Concerto 2 & 3, and the Rhapsody on a Theme of Pagnini. These and his Symphony # 2 are great starting points. I would also recommend his Symphonic Dances, much more energized than any of the above, more dra... 
Can HI FI components really make music?
Bravo, I'm not sure how to interpert your measurements. Are you saying that (1) the right channel at 100 hz is +6db over a 1K tone measured on the R speaker or a 1K tone measured on both speakers, or (2) 6db over the L speaker output? One thing to... 
6550B tube recommendations for a AR VT-60
I believe Audio Research uses SED 6550C's (Winged C's). They are highly regarded new production tubes. The are rugged and fairly balanced. Getting the tubes is easy, but are you up installing them. I'm not familar with the VT 60, but from my old D... 
Traps vs Equalizer
Marco, I was trying to be cute. I should know better. Lest my point was lost - I was trying to make a point by being absured, albeit the absurdity had some basis in fact, that is the importance of the color of light in painting (and photography) a... 
Traps vs Equalizer
Marco, You can make the painting analogy work with a bit of effort. The only thing you have to do is substitute the effect of light on a painting for the choice of playback equipment. First determine if the painting was made in a studio under natu... 
DK Design Group X-Dream - wow
"looks to me to be a good investment". Not where I'd invest my hard earned money! Break even hobby, perhaps. But then I guess we don't know the financial arrangements between Larsky and Daniel do we. Could have been a fire sale. 
Traps vs Equalizer
Because some folks feel you can hear the distortions that an additional electronic devise and extra cabling will introduce to your system, where as traps and other acoustic room treatments are passive and only change the sound level of certain fre... 
An observation about "Modern" classical music.
Eldartford, I'm very sympathetic to your feelings about 'modern' music, which you may have gathered from my previous post. They was a lot of crap purveyed in the last 50 years that shouldn't have seen the light of day, and perhaps a better screeni... 
Can HI FI components really make music?
"Once you know where the problem areas are frequency wise, how do you deal with them?" Depends on the frequency. Moving the speakers and listening position about can cure a lot of bass problems, but not all (for those you might need a parametric e... 
Is my cartridge the problem?
Well, I wouldn't be too quick to get a new cartridge. That may not solve anything. One thing that CD's do very well, everything else being equal, is image. Especially compared to vinyl if your TT/arm/cartridge are not optimally set up. Even then i... 
Di-Poles and back wall reflections Stats
Don't know about WAF of putting dispursive (diffusing) materiel on the walls behind your speakers but that is what you need to do. You don't want reflective or absorbing materiel (obviously too bright or too dead.) You can use professional stuff o...