
Responses from newbee

Buying Someone's Records: An Ethics Question
I sort of agree with Kthomas. Unless you actually inspect the records before you buy them you really don't know what condition they are in. For all you know they could be totally trashed and valueless, even those rare typically highly prized ones.... 
Newbie needs advice choosing and biasing new tubes
David, Re your question about the Chinese explaination. I think that they are 'technically'correct' in thier verbiage and we understand the process backwards, i.e. you reduce bias by increasing voltage not increasing voltage increases bias - we ju... 
Newbie needs advice choosing and biasing new tubes
David, Sonics - The KT88's will have a bit of mid bass bloom (sounds good!) a bit forward in the mid-range, and fairly extended highs. In comparison the 6550 is more linear from the bass through the mid-range and a bit soft in the highs. I use bot... 
Tube amps and speaker ohms
Eagleman,A simplified response - If bass control seems to be a problem for you when you use the 8 ohm taps use the 4 ohm taps. If you use the 4ohm taps and the highs are not smooth use the 8 ohm taps. Simply said, use the taps which sound best to ... 
Tube amps and speaker ohms
Tvad - FWIW, dealing with like kinds, ie SED's, I found the 6l6GC slightly mellow thru the upper mids/highs compared to the EL34 in both of my Primaluna amps which were primarily designed around the EL34 or the KT88 and to my ears both sound best ... 
Harbeth vs. Tyler
Drubin & Dodgealum, While I would consider you cynicism about speaker design with multiple options using the same drivers regularily in different boxes and with (or without?) crossover adjustments, very reasonable, consider that many of the ma... 
Harbeth vs. Tyler
I wish Muzikat had provided a really specific description of the tonal and resolution qualities of the Tylers and the Harbeths - especially since he has owned and heard them both. I've owned other British Speakers, Rogers LS35A's and Studio 1A, as... 
Tube amps and speaker ohms
Divad, You didn't ask, but what the hell.....If you want powerful bass stay with an amp that is designed around the 6550/KT88/KT90. EL34's are potentially great mid-range tubes but lack the bass of one of these power tubes. In my systems the KT88 ... 
Tube amps and speaker ohms
Tvad, This info came from the horse's mouth. I've never seen it in print, its what Ty told me. Re impedences, there was an excellent thread in which Duke participated, within the last 6 months, where in not only were speaker impedence loads discus... 
Tube amps and speaker ohms
Tvad The Tyler Signature Systems (1 Piece) have a nominal 4 ohm impedence and a minimal impedence of 3.5 ohms. I have driven mine with 160 wt amps w/6550s off an 8 ohm tap, 80 watt with KT88's off an 8 ohm tap, the PrimaLuna Five a 40wt amp with K... 
Tube amps and speaker ohms
Divad, You might consider posting a new thread - I think a lot of folks not already signed into this one will open it and see it, and some of the more knowlegable folks that have posted probably may not be following it any longerby now.I think it ... 
Tube amps and speaker ohms
Tvad, ROTFLMAO. Don't hang around any crosses. You are far too nice.Bartockfan, may I suggest that before you burden the forum readers further with your 'experience' using tubes that you take some time to read about tube technology and get some un... 
Joseph Audio RM33si vs. Coincident Super Eclipse
By crappy 'service' are you referring to actually owning Joseph speakers and not getting good backing from the manufacturer or are you just unhappy about his level of cooperation with you in a quest for info about his stuff? 
Important Interconnect Question
Well, I heard some people actually liked using regular RCA terminated IC's in the early years of DAC's/Transports, sort of a tone control. Plug it in and see if you like it. You won't damage anything. But you really do need a specifically designed... 
Tube amps and speaker ohms
"Duke builds panels"I didn't know that. Bartockfan, you are a wealth of obscure information. :-)