
Responses from newbee

Musicophilia - music & relationship to the brain
Mr T, I'm not sure we are in disagreement about anything. I can certainly agree with most you've said, much of which is nothing more than your expressing your personal preferences and order of priorities.As with good literature, which I think is t... 
Plants for Humidity
You are right. Plants need humidity, they do not make it, but if you've got a lot of plants that use a lot of water the water does evaporate and help humidify the room. I'd be very careful about using a garden variety humidifier, too much humidity... 
How to reply to questions about stereo cost?
Just lie! But make it a suitible whopper to fit the personality of your guest. I usually tell folks its old vintage tubed equipment from the 60's, but some I tell that, believe it or not, it cost more than my 'Rolex". I never actually give someone... 
Can an EL34 tube be replaced with a KT88 or 6550?
All EL34's don't sound alike, not by a long shot, so even if you can't use 6550's and KT88's, you can get some tubes which will sound significantly different. You will still need an auto bias curcuit or the ability to re-bias the amp with the new ... 
Musicophilia - music & relationship to the brain
FWIW, I suspect that audiophile activities are in inverse porportion to the ability of the listener to appreaciate (understand) musical content. When the musical content is complex and requires concentration who has time to think about audiophile ... 
Music Recommendations
Mussorgsky's 'Pictures at an Exhibition' Berlioz's 'Symphnie Fantastique'Prokofiev's 'Romeo and Juliet' suitesRachmaninoff's Symphonic DancesBTW, I assume from 'traditional classical music' you mean stuff by Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, etc. If so con... 
Pet audiophile peeves - name yours
My greatest irritation is I can't spell and its too late to edit my last post! :-) 
Pet audiophile peeves - name yours
Shadrone, Perhaps some folks are extrodinarily affluent and just don't wish to embarrass the 'ordinary' folks by showing (off) their set up. :-) 
Is Quad ESL57 most amazing speaker of all time?
Shadrone, Gordon was right - at the time at least. Anyone want to buy mine! :-) 
Is Quad ESL57 most amazing speaker of all time?
I can see where you are coming from. There is nothing wrong with your observations. I've always considered the 57's the speaker equivalent of an idiot savant, that is what they do well they do supurbly. Problem is there are so many thing that they... 
Trying to maximize bass response ......
The RS meter is not accurate in the lower bass frequencies. Usually it measures low in a curve moving up to flat at or above 100hz. I have a correction chart and I've also used the Rives disc corrected for the RS errors. The dip is still there. Ac... 
Pet audiophile peeves - name yours
1) Audio salesmen disguised as end users on audio forums who are in fact only there to make a buck. We should start a list.......2) Folks who don't know the difference between their opinion and fact (my opinion!). :-)3) Shoddily made, yet well reg... 
Modern day female jazz recommendations
Laverne Butler, Rene Marie and Mary Stallings. Fine jazz singers. 
Speaker Preferences?
Apparently Mr T, compression doesn't concern you. As opposed to more realistic dynamic range that is. Bugged the hell out of me. Thats the main reason my Quads are in a closet. Oh, yeh, I forgot Quads don't play loud either. But we all have our ow... 
Raysonic 128 Soundstage
I agree with the assessments of the 128 above and I would add that tube selection (assuming you're using the stock EH's and feel that the highs are a bit surpressed) might make it sound more expansive in some systems.Now the comments you will hate...