
Responses from newbee

The wall behind me.
Tda2200 - Deadening equals absorbsion, much as described by Kr4. There are many materiels you can use to do this and a few have already been suggested. In one home I deadened a wall by putting up foam on the wall and simulated a large glass window... 
The wall behind me.
If I understand your post correctly, you are sitting on the sofa which is backed against (or very close to) the wall. In this situation I would prefer to deaden the wall. If you are sitting out into the room (classic triangulated set up, as in the... 
Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.
Gregadd, So long as I can still be considered one who loves music, if I had to choose one format it would be vinyl. But I would never have voted nor even participated but for Pauly's voting me and others like me out of the 'music lovers' club beca... 
Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.
Paul, So long as we are really only talking about which format can produce the highest quality sound we have nothing to argue about. I just snagged some tickets to hear MTT do M7 in SF - Mahlerphiles eat your heart out!. To get ready I'm going to ... 
What equipment do you most regret parting with??
A Threshold SA3. Bought some panel speakers and thought I'd never only need 50 watts again. I think this is the last piece of equipment I have sold (over 17 years ago). Never made that mistake again, but are my closets full of stuff! :-) 
New Vinyl Setup
FWIW, start 'small'. Don't focus on high end stuff and take it one step at a time. If I were starting out I would buy a TT without suspension system for two reasons. You don't have to tune it and it can be shipped with less probability of damage. ... 
Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.
Pauly, I must recant. I just read your response to Shadrone wherein you admit to knowing audiophiles who are musicophiles as well as digitalphiles. Apparently not vinylphiles. Good for you. Nice to know that some digitalphiles can love music. Now,... 
Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.
Pauly, ROTFLMAO. You love music so much. You must because of all of your proclaimations. But, interestingly you have never posted a thread or responded to anyone who asked a question about music. Do you consider all posts in the music forum beneat... 
Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.
Doug, I agree with you totally about Herbert V. But, my point was that he loved digital and he unquestionably loved music. This must have been an 'exception' to Pauly's proclamation. I'm sure there are many others. Personally speaking I didn't eve... 
Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.
"As I said before if you do not really care much for music, CD's are fine. Vinyl is for people who really like and enjoy music to a high degree. You obviously don't."What bovine feces. Arrogant, pretentious, etc etc. 'ol "tin ears" is right, tin e... 
The Cost of Cables
John, I can't relate to the prices for cables you refer to. I start scratching at much less than 50%. :-) But I can't blame the manufacturers of any tweaks for getting as much money as they can, while they can. Its the old American free market in ... 
poweramp tube matching
Re small tubes. Not IMHO in an unbalanced design. Same brand, same type, and with NOS I'd probably be looking for same vintage as well, so both (or more) have the same tone. I use this criteria for pre-amps and other tube devises, except for phono... 
The Cost of Cables
Tvad, Re "Does that mean Canare are not used by guys with well thought out systems which have been properly set up"?Not by a long shot I know of several, including one guy for whom I have undying respect! In his case it replaced some Cardas due to... 
The Cost of Cables
Just an observation in support of John and Tvad re cost equals value. Poster signs in with a system which is known by critical listeners to be unspectatular, i.e. not exceptionally resolved/detailed etc. Wants a recommendation for speaker cable. T... 
Primaluna Prologue One power tube rolling
FWIW, I use EI 12AX7A Elites w/grey plates very similar to Tele's and combined with SED EL34's produces a very smooth, reasonably detailed sound. Personally I'd save my long green type NOS's for more critical applications. But, if you've got extra...