
Responses from newbee

Are dome midrange better than cone designs?
I recently read a description of Silverlines which described my the designer used dome mid-ranges. As I recall it had to do with a obtaining a more balanced on/off radiation pattern. It was in a review of the Silverline Sonata III if you care to l... 
Jolida 1000RC Tube ???
You might have had a poor contact on a critical contact on the tube pins and the socket, but your description is also consistent with a shorted tube also. Check the bias on that tube. If it is still showing proper bias then every thing is probably... 
What's your latest "Discovery"
For folks who like light classical chamber music for quiet times (piano & cello) - I just bought a Naxos recording of popular "Virtuoso Cello Encores" by Maria Kliegel on cello. I'm really impressed with her playing in other performances which... 
Toe-in for Harbeth M30 in a narrow room?
If you like the sound of the speakers pointed straight ahead, but for a bit of diffusion created in the sound stage attributible to the nearby side wall, try crossing the speaker axis well in fron of the listening position. Actually use the same d... 
Integrated amp with 2 inputs...want more.
Piggy backing two volume controls, one of the most critical parts of a pre-amp would not, IMHO, be a good idea. It would work but you're likely to get some noise floor sounds if you have the VC wide open. What you could do with some success is to ... 
What were your own blind cable test results?
Zaikesman, I think using a tape loop is an excellent means of A/B in IC's, far superior than just doing it by aural memory, noted more for fallability than anything else. But, what concerns me is the design/implementation of the tape loop. Are the... 
Rega P-5 squeak
FWIW the squeak is caused by the belt streaching against the platter at startup - much like your car tires will squeak if you apply too much gas on start up. Piedpiper's suggestion is a good one - it will minimize wear to the belt from stretching.... 
Best recording / performance Dvorak Cello conc.
Dougmc mentioned the Queyras/Belohlavek version. I just recently got this recording. An excellent performance and the recording quality was very high quality as well. I was really taken by the included piano trio, the 'Dumky'. An abundance of rich... 
Tube Amp Hum
Reverse the tubes - and see if the sound follows the change or remains constant. Reverse the small tubes first - if the left channel is still a bummer, try the power tubes next. If that doesn't help call VTL. I have amps which hum a bit, but its t... 
Tube Amp Hum
Some light humming from a tube amp with your ears at the speaker is not unusual. Some are dead quiet, some are not. Occasionally it can be from tubes or currect. You might try a cheater plug and see if that changes the hum (I assume all of your st... 
Are the online zines killing print mags in audio?
Soon as I can get a laptop to take into the 'john' with me I'll cancel my subscriptions. But I'll miss the glossy product pictures. :-) 
Tubes Became Microphonic
Nothing wrong with your pre-amp. Just a microphonic tube. Not unusual, especially with NOS. From what I understand its not all that unusual with NOS - you want to have them screened for noise before you buy them. FWIW I've used some new production... 
Leaving DAC on all the time OK?
In response to your initial question I would agree with Jond, leave the DAC and the transport on. However, since the topic has gone a bit further into the value of warm-up from cold start vs a constant on condition I've made an observation with a ... 
6550 and KT88 differences?
If I were to investigate new KT88's I'd be interested in the new Gold Lion reissues. Minimal input yet, but from what there has been they 'sound' like they might be excellent. Don't read too much negative into my assessment of the SED KT88. Of all... 
6550 and KT88 differences?
In my Prologue 5 (W/Prologue 3) the SED KT88's have an emphasis in upper bass and a more forward midrange, smooth and extended highs. The SED 6550's had a more linear response with a slightly soft high end and a tight but not bloated bottome end. ...