
Responses from mrdecibel

Please...dont flame me (Bose 901-Series I help)
The 901s, imo, should be further from the corners, as you are now getting double reflections. I would also try them 18 in. from the back wall. So, you only have the one receiver ? Not familiar with the lapai amp, but try it when received. Do not k... 
Plinius 8200 mk2, really low volume!!
Check the " processor " switch on the back of the amp. 
Please...dont flame me (Bose 901-Series I help)
Welcome to the "GON. What does your main system consist of ? As you mentioned, this is a 2ndary rig, assuming your main rig has a better amplifier to try. You are also used to the sound of the main rig. 2ndly, the 901s properly set up, reflect 8 o... 
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
@geoffkait , why are you still falling for the bait. You and I know better, as well as many more of us do. Let kosst, wolf, and anyone else on that side of the fence, be. 
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
@willgolf, although you were the OP on this thread, you did open a can of worms. I noticed it has been over 2 months since you contributed to your own thread. However, I am with you, and I am, at this point, out. I know, what I know, because I try... 
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
@geoffkait . kosst does not understand how the ear is a measurement device in and of itself. My thoughts are that kosst is listening to his system, and not the music. I know some people, like him, but most I know ( not all ), have been open to lis... 
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
@kosst, when you built your diy amplifier, did you try different " isolation feet ", such as brass or metal cones, or the rubber type, because, there is a huge difference in the sound of an amp heard through the speakers. I am not sure these diffe... 
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
I completely agree with you, that all that stuff makes a difference. Am I to assume, that all of this, can be measured with equipment, because the ears can pick up on it as well. 
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
The fact that kosst is unable and unwilling to " try " a few of these simple tests, using his ears, says to me, that he will never really enjoy his music system, because, he is leaving so much on the table. He is disturbed, as he cannot let this g... 
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
@kosst....What we think we hear ? Did you really make that statement ? Stop embarrassing yourself. Go back to your measurements. Your Focals did not wind up in your listening room entirely with the use of measurements, as you must have listened to... 
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
On a speaker thread, someone recently spent $1300. on a pair of speaker isolation products, claiming it took his system to an extremely higher level of musical satisfaction. I can believe it. It is still amazing to me, that people like kosst ( a t... 
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
hifiman5 Absolutely 
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
If anyone would like to know who, I will be happy to post it. But, as far as I am concerned, this individual has no credibility with me, on pretty much, any subject he "trolls ". 
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
Listen, how many hobbies involve "snake oil " ?. Certainly one of them is high end audio. Fuses, cables and cable lifters, green pens, isolation products, etc. Try them yourself. If you hear a difference, great. If you do not, that is fine also. B... 
My apologies_Upgrade path from Wilson WattPuppy 7's?
As someone who was ( and still is ) in the " Linn camp ", everything prior to the speaker makes a significant difference. This is what is being done here. Anyone who says the WP7s are outdated, has never heard them to their max. Just my opinion, f...