
Responses from mrdecibel

How do SVS subwoofers compare to REL?
The term " speed " is quite real in the audio world, whether applied to subs, speakers, amps, etc. It is part of prat. It is one of those attributes I listen for in any component. When talking about the subject concerning speakers and subs, the ro... 
KEF 107 and Kube setup
@imhififan , exactly why I said " possible ". Good idea with the analog audio out ! 
KEF 107 and Kube setup
The Sony does not have a power amp in, so you would need to connect the cube into the tape monitor loop. There should be a way the optical input would run through the tape loop ( possible ). Because the source is tv only, it is possible that all o... 
Quad ESL-63 and low-powered amps; Sun Audio, Atma
@willemj , somewhere, you posted you could not hear hiss coming from your amplifier ( through the loudspeakers ), and that hiss was not normal. However, your young daughter heard the hiss. Need I say more. 
Although I appreciate the scientific approach that some here have, I find it laughable that many claim, little, to no difference, in sound, between amplifiers / preamplifiers, not to mention cables, feet, and such.  
Synergy problem
Dampen the mid horn on the Forte.  
Dynamic compression in speakers themselves?
Full range horns ( I listen to Klipsch Lascalas, modified, with subs ). Some excellent hybrids available. 
Is my Amp OK?
Work on the room acoustics ( if you have not done so yet ). 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
I cannot believe the horn troll is still at it. Gee, maybe I should listen to her, and get rid of my modified Klipsch Lascalas. NOT ! 
New system has fatiguing, harsh high frequency sounds. How to fix?
I would also experiment with hanging a large towel on the front wall, slightly behind, but above the tv ( maybe using painters tape ) to further stop early reflections.  
New system has fatiguing, harsh high frequency sounds. How to fix?
Follow these directions, given by JohnnyR (audioconnection)861 posts01-02-2018 10:01amThe second Flat screen is causing an unwanted reflection Try removing that one to the left first.Next push the other flat screen tv as close to the wall behind... 
Musician vs. audiophile
v7b9b13. Good point, mentioned by wolf, indicating " working musicians likely can't afford Wilsons ". 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Wolf, glad you are enjoying the Heresy IIIs. Oddiofyl said it exactly : " Their strengths far outweigh any stortcomings they may have ". And yes, you too : " they’re fun ". 
Tube amp
When someone says to me, "they are happy with their system", but are always looking to upgrade, this tells me, they are not happy with their system, whatever that might be. This is fine. The audio roller coaster never stops. Vertical biamping is w... 
Tube amp
@luvrockin   Very familiar with your 801s, all 3 of the series. I do not question the use of a tube amp, but ime, as Charles indicated, always driven with beefy ss. Are you happy with your system, musically ( not talking visually ) ? I have always...