
Responses from mrdecibel

Carver Raven 350 Amps
There are shorting plugs that accomplish both. 
Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III
I have owned all of the Klipsch models mentioned. I just recently sold, locally, a pair of self modified ( I modify everything ) Epic CF2s ( the best out of the 4 Epic models, imo ), but, just like the 2 pair of Heresys I still own, I was not list... 
Your Side by Side Experience With Best Vintage vs Newer Expensive Hi Tech Speakers
@wester17 Updating the khorns, crossover rebuild, upgraded voicecoils, horn damping ( and some other damping ), and of course room corners, with the right equipment, are still hard to beat, for what they do best, but I am prejudiced. Of course, to... 
QUAD ESL63: where to have rebuilt
ESL Repair outside of Cleveland. 
QUAD ESL63: where to have rebuilt
Quads Unlimited in Longwood, Florida 
Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III
BTW....I was very familiar with the L 2030 models, and, wish I had a pair of those right now ( for a 2nd system ). Might need a crossover rebuild. 
Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III
Sorry for sounding " all that ". Audio has been my life. @heardthat....I wish you the best. 
Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III
@heardthat....Although I have not heard them, my many years of listening experience, speaker ownership, exposure to so much, as well as my understanding of all the review language given ( both professional and non professional ), I have some idea ... 
Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III
@tomic601 ...It’s all good. I want to get along with everyone. I am not surprised you do not use the JBL grills. Have the grills disintegrated, like mine have ?  
Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III
@tomic601 , I obviously hit a sore spot for you. You can question my hearing all you want. Dynamic compression in a speaker is not something I can live with. I meant no offense.  Enjoy your system. I sure enjoy mine. MrD. 
Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III
Most of the speakers I have owned, disappeared, but most, never sounded like live music, nor, made my toes tap. I think the higher efficiency of the speaker has something to do with the dynamics one hears. Many are talking about the Tekton DI seri... 
Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III
@hifiman55. Secondary audio diffractions ? I do not hear any. Most speaker grill material will take care of that. That is the reason Thiel recommended leave the grills on. I actually prefer most speakers without grills, as they sound a bit more op... 
Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III
@heardthat.......Why I said " for what I enjoy ". I am in my 60s and have been at this recorded music listening hobby since my early teens. I was in the industry as well. Owned much of it, and heard much of it ( equipment / speakers, etc ). Always... 
Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III
Owning modified Klipsch Lascalas / powered subwoofers, I have to say that there is a night and day difference between a Vandersteen and Klipsch ( Heritage models specifically ). Different tastes, different listeners. Ozzy 62 said it best. For what... 
Inexpensive Tube Amps
@will62 I think your attitude stinks. This is a free and open forum, with people who are jumping in trying to help you. Read, and use the information that is best for you, but come on man. Apologize to everyone else whose info might not cater to y...