
Responses from mrdecibel

Where do I start-amp or speakers ?
@michaeljbrown You mentioned early on that you had Altec horns with tubes, so the Thiels are not the only speakers you owned ( lived with ). You say the horn system sounded pretty good, but, what I gather from your information, the best sound you ... 
Which Budget Speakers, Tekton or Omega?
@lowrider57 Not wanting horns is your each his/her own. You might not be familiar with, nor have heard, the Klipsch models Wolf, and I, mentioned. But fyi, the Klipsch Cornwall and Lascala designs are floor standers, and the Heresy des... 
Which Budget Speakers, Tekton or Omega?
Speaking of Klipsch, you could buy a pair of Cornwalls ( used ), get new crossovers and tweeters from Bob Crites, dampen the mid horns, and, you are set. Same with Lascalas, but a subwoofer ( 2 subs are better ) would be necessary.  
Nuforce STA200
Has anyone tried a passive unit with the STA 200 ? ( @aberyclark , did you happen to listen to your Schiit sys direct, w/o preamp ? ). Thanks 
Nuforce STA200
@aberyclark Thanks for the recommendation. I will try the attenuators when they arrive, and allow them break in time. Hopefully, they do not smear the sound much. If they do not work out, I will see what to do next. Thx.  
Nuforce STA200
Ordered a pair of Goldenjacks 10 db attenuators. Will see if it reduces the hum, without affecting the sonics ( doubtful ). If this does not work, might need to go back to passive ( never liked ), change to a lower gain preamp, or a different amp ... 
Nuforce STA200
@erik_squires My understanding about the STA 200, is, it is a conventional AB design, taken from a circuit developed by Goldmund, also used in the Job 225. But yes, Nuforce ( Nuprime ) does use designs in other models in which you speak of. 
Nuforce STA200
Purchased one in April of ’17, for shits and giggles. Sold many of my " expensive " amps, because after a few months of this little guy breaking in, it bettered many of them. My only negative issue, because of it’s high gain, I do get a small amou... 
calling all Guru;s, Ideas on audiophyle high effeiciency speakers solicited
How did you feel when the Krell worked ? I do not feel tubes are a match with your speakers. 
calling all Guru;s, Ideas on audiophyle high effeiciency speakers solicited
You either truly love your speakers, or you don’t. Loving your speakers says you are happy with the amplification driving them, as you are listening to the combo. Are you really happy ? 
Disappointed w/ Klipsch Heresy III. Now what?
I have been a Klipsch fan / owner for many years, and have modified many sets of, mostly Heritage models, for me, and others. JBL, Altec, and others as well. Obviously, I am biased. My question though, if I missed it in this thread, is : why the c... 
How do SVS subwoofers compare to REL?
@wolf_garcia What is technical about pace, rhythm, attack and timing ? If you do not believe ( as in speed ), that is ok, but, these are real, when dealing with live music, or reproduced music. I would think, with your background, you would " get ... 
Coming out of the blackhole called work...retirement
@amg56....this is not an attack, but at your age ( over 50 I presume ), have your hearing checked. I do, every 18 months or so. Your sound room, as I mentioned prior, is the most critical component. Much good advice above, as, to finding out what ... 
Coming out of the blackhole called work...retirement
@amg56...btw, welcome to the 'Gon, and congrats on your retirement. With that much money available, and a new house to be built, I would pay attention to the room build, for example : reinforced walls, floor and ceiling, dedicated electrical, and ... 
Coming out of the blackhole called work...retirement are speaking of the Lightspeed Attenuator, by George, who goes by the name here of georgehifi.