
Responses from mrdecibel

Speaker recomendation
I hope we have not lost the OP, but.......if he is still reading this, my questions would be what does he use in his 1st home ( his bio indicates he has / had Gershman Acoustics AGs ) ? He knows something about sounds and music listening, and is p... 
Does anyone leave their amp and preamp on all the time?
I leave my equipment on 24 / 7, it is ss. I have many amplifiers, but none have a stand by circuit. My understanding of a stand by circuit is very vague. Does stand by and being left on give the same warm up benefits ? 
Cable Snake Oil Antidote
@nonoise Thx ! 
Do I need higher quality power cords?
@geoffkait that is just the tip of the iceberg. Besides, shadorne must know something so many manufacturers have missed in their designs. And he has a follower. 
Do I need higher quality power cords?
Wow, inadequate power supplies in my equipment. Shadorne, have you, or have you not, tried a different cord on any of your components ? You must have the only equipment who's power supplies are not woefully inadequate. @spotcheckbilly, thank you f... 
Do I need higher quality power cords?
@shadorne,@roberjerman, I always find it interesting when those folks who cannot hear differences in power cords ( as well as some other upgrades / tweaks ), claim these sonic differences do not / cannot exist, and then talk about voodoo or medita... 
How much do I need to spend to get a preamp that sounds better than no preamp?
George, I am not worried about a thing. Thank you for your concern. Enjoy ! 
B&K Sonata M200 + Polk Rti A9’s
The m200s are also kind of old. My Nuforce STA 200 bettered them in every respect, even though the STA is less power and a single chassis. I gave them to a friend, who is going to do a complete rebuild. This was about a year ago, as the little Nuf... 
How much do I need to spend to get a preamp that sounds better than no preamp?
kosst. correct, I cannot read a schematic. However, I have trust in my listening abilities, and this far outweighs any scientific hoopla " in my quest " for better sound. You are just plain ignorant, and I have NO RESPECT for you. In fact, I still... 
How much do I need to spend to get a preamp that sounds better than no preamp?
kosst, when you design and implement the manufacture of an amp that is competitive with FW, maybe, and only then, maybe, will I ever take what you say seriously and worthwhile to read. So, like many other posts of yours on various threads, keep co... 
How much do I need to spend to get a preamp that sounds better than no preamp?
kosst, he has many followers......geez,,,you are one of them. He never designed a product where someone could not use it. He caters to a wide variety of listeners, which is interesting because he almost designs for himself, going after his holy gr... 
How much do I need to spend to get a preamp that sounds better than no preamp?
" Like so many things he's designed, it's a quirky component with a  narrow appeal ". I honestly cannot believe this has been said. NP has shared with the diy community most of his designs, which were all labors of love, not to make a dime. Give m... 
Can interconnect cables improve sound stage height, width, and depth?
Every set of cables I own introduce different characteristics of the music, but compared to basic cables, you hear more. Those who say no differences, are either deaf, do not have a high resolution system, nor have tried any. Them the facts ! 
What are the best entry level integrated amps and speakers?
Pipebro...It is always easy to recommend what each of us likes, but..............What is wanting her to upgrade ? What does she want more of / What does she seem to be missing ( imaging, coherence, neutral tone, dynamics, etc. ? What music does sh... 
Pro Amps - What have you tried?
@erik_squires  to each his own. Through my ML CLS at the time I owned the Andromeda, I did not like the combo as much as with other amplifiers. Did not like it through the Lascalas either, tubes were preferable with them. It was a good mating with...