
Responses from mosin

TW Raven 10.5" Tonearm what cart are you using?
I have heard three of the four, and put them in this order:1 - Lyra Olympos (detailed, but musical)2 - Dynavector XV-1T (lively and musical)3 - Ortofon MC A90 (It's not my cup of tea, but I don't believe you can get a new one, anyway.)I have no id... 
alternative power supply for Garrard 301
Mark's controller is alive and well. It is awaiting the final touches. 
Schroder sq and the new talea
"the volontè génèrale versus the volontè de tous"How can the general will be different from the will of all? I'm at a loss to see the difference....just trying to understand. 
Schroder sq and the new talea
Mark,We see things that seem so elaborate, but it's the ones that appear to be so straightforward that appeal to me. It is like they are more honest. I suppose it is that aspect that defines us as audiophiles, and draws us to certain audio equipme... 
Schroder sq and the new talea
Hi Salectric,Yes, he is that same Dave Shreve. I believe you are right in that he was ahead of his time. We discussed his association with Jim Whiney of Magnepan, the tonearm Magnepan made with on-the-fly VTA, and how it was influenced by Mitchell... 
Schroder sq and the new talea
I suppose the thing that struck me most was the camaraderie between Frank and Joel. They continued to talk with one another way after the event was over. My take is that whatever flavor you prefer it has been created by guys who genuinely have pas... 
Albert Porters after market panzerholz plinths
Hello all,Plinths are interesting beasts in that they perform differently with different mechanisms. Recently, several Garrard 301 turntables were tested side by side in the Washington DC area. Among the plinths there were ones of Panzerholtz, Bal... 
2010 RMAF Analog Reports + Meet and Greet
Ecir38,I believe Steve Dobbins is showing a new Allnic phonostage, and Nelson Pass has a new one, too. Also, Artemis Labs has a new LCR phonostage that I want to see. 
Good arms for catridge swappers
T_Bone suggested the EPA-100, and it is a great one, but also consider the EPA-500. What makes it different is that it had optional wands that included the counterweight, and were made for various cartridge requirements. There were not only wands ... 
Easy tonearm replacement for Empire 598?
Ralph,Did you try an oil that was heavier? If you did, what did you hear? 
Moving from mm to mc
Keep your 401. It's pretty good, and there are guys who can make a wonderful plinth for it. Steve Dobbins and Chris Harban are two good plinth makers who hang around here, if you aren't inclined to make your own. I don't know what they charge, how... 
Easy tonearm replacement for Empire 598?
Most old vintage turntables made in the United States used regular automotive motor oil. The Rek-O-Kut, for example, used SAE 20. That said, Photon46's suggestion of a heavier, but similar, oil is a good one because the heavier weight provides a b... 
Sota/Koetsu Vermillion---what arm?
If it is any consolation, the Koetsu tonearm was made by Jelco, and I believe I'm correct in saying the Sumiko was, too. If that's the case, you could do a lot worse. 
Grado TLZ ???
I believe the XTC was indeed the last Signature. It was a line contact type, and maybe the first cartridge to break the $1000 mark. (at least that's what I read someplace)I own several of the modern wood bodied types, but the XTC beats them all...... 
Go analog or upgrade digital
Ok, I'll venture into uncharted waters...Get some 5K turntable that you like...maybe a used Brinkman, if such a thing exists? (Brinkman makes some great turntables) Then, hook up a computer, any computer, to your main system. That way, you can get...